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Interest Rates

QUESTION: Marty; as you know I have worked on the bond desk and am now looking to get out and retire. You are so right. The 10 year is the old 30 year and nobody buys the 10 year with any expectation of holding it for 10 years. The debt has been sold only because of […]

2017: The Great Alignment

QUESTION: Dear Marty, 2011 was the intraday high in gold, but 2012 was the highest yearly closing. Add the 5 units of time bear market, that would potentially bring us with a low in 2017. Likewise the Dow’s highest yearly closing was 2014. With a 3 units of time correction we end up with a […]

The Game is Over – Market Perspective

The fuse has been lit. The world economy is in serious trouble and we have the worst possible people at the helm. You have Obama who wants to double the funding for the SEC and CFTC to go after the banks because he smells blood. He also wants to add a $10 tax to oil […]

Market Talk — February 10, 2016

The Nikkei was again under pressure with the Index closing down 2.4% with financial leading the pack. Shares in Mitsui, SMFG and Mitsubishi UFJ were all down between 4 and 7% on the day. Investors and the street all voicing concerns about the potential profitability given the BOJ’s vision of negative interest rates and the surge […]

2017: The Year of Alignment?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, 2011 was the intraday high in gold, but 2012 was the highest yearly closing. Add the 5 units of time bear market, that would potentially bring us with a low in 2017. Likewise the Dow’s highest yearly closing was 2014. With a 3 units of time correction we end up with a […]

The Real Implications of Forecasting Are More Profound Than you Think

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I attended the Berlin Conference and I must say, you told us to expect a move between the Benchmarks in gold, and that the first quarter looked to be a countertrend move. You seem to be able to map out the direction of markets all the time. I am still working out […]

Rising Systemic Risk for All Markets

We are on the precipice of what can only be described as a rising systemic risk for all markets. The Fed is now hinting that banks should prepare for NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES. This insanity of following the crowd is undermining the entire world economy. The increasingly unstable footing that we find ourselves standing on is reflected in widening credit […]

Opening Pivot Points for Tomorrow

Our opening pivot point tomorrow in gold will be 1217.30. This came down slightly from 1220, but it still reflects where the resistance would stand. In the Dow, it is still lower at 15909.28. In the S&P 500 cash, it lies slightly lower at 1832.39. In the euro, we have a sharply higher number as […]


Everything has moved to the extreme, which we will discuss tomorrow. In gold, our opening pivot point for today jumped to 1220.73. That meant an opening below warned we should close lower, which we did slightly. But the low on the first Benchmark took place 51.6 (6 x 8.6) months from the 2011 high and […]

Market Talk – February 9, 2016

Overnight, we saw one of the largest declines in a long time when the Nikkei closed down 5.4%. Exporters (Toyota, Nissan, Sony) were all off around 6.5%. The 10yr JGB (Japanese Government Bonds) traded below 0% for the first time ever. The currency gained 1.8% to trade 114.20 during the European trading session. With the […]