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The Destruction of the World Economy

The Senate subcommittee has been examining tax avoidance by multinational companies. Microsoft Corp. (MSFT), Hewlett-Packard Co. and Apple Inc. have all been the subjects of previous hearings by the panel. The 2013 investigation into Apple uncovered a subsidiary that earned $30 billion over four years with no home for tax purposes. The subcommittee also has investigated […]

EU Commission is Forced to Back-Off from Austerity

In response to the EU Elections, the EU Commission has realized that austerity is going to create massive civil unrest and dissatisfaction with the federalization of Europe. The EU Commission has terminated the sanctions against six EU countries due to excessive deficits. For example, Austria was forced to abandon the entire Maastricht criteria after Hypo […]

Getting off the Grid

QUESTION: Dear Marty, You mention getting off the grid – but with technology –  today – how is ownership of anything ‘getting off the grid’? If governments truly want to hunt down global wealth and tax it – how is owning a house in London or a farm in NZ going to help anyone – […]

Paul Volcker and the move Toward a New Bretton Woods

Paul Volcker spoke at the annual meeting of the Bretton Woods Committee in Washington on May 21st, 2014 (yes once a committee is forms it lives forever). His remarks offer a guide that behind the curtain there are some who see the problems we face in the monetary system, albeit not yet that from a […]

Currency Inflation & What Does That Mean.

A number of questions have come in about the precious metals and real estate along side the stock market. Precious metals have their place. As long as you trade them and not turn them into some conspiracy, they are a tradable market and you can buy or sell. It is just when people preach nonsense […]

Will the USA Break-Up? Will all assets rise? How does this really work?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, As I continue to read your blog, I have to wonder if America will survive the coming hardships.  America is split about 50-50 politically with no real possibility of reconciliation.  Victory for one side or the other (left or right) is the only real “solution”. Given this perspective is it possible America will […]

One World Currency- From their Crack in the Wall

QUESTION: Marty, I want to thank you for saving me from the nonsense of the goldbugs. They go on and on about one-world governments and manipulations and that is their excuse for being wrong. They cannot understand even what is a reserve currency or that it is merely the economic language as you say. They are […]

India – The Exception?

QUESTION: Dear Martin,        I have been truly puzzled to start with and now getting fascinated by your blog and discovery of ECM as I have started understanding this order to the seemingly randomness present in Nature.        May God bestow upon you great health with which you can enlighten the entire […]

US Share Market & Corporate Buybacks

QUESTION:  You have taught us to pay attention to global capital flows to help us assess market directions and movements… Does it matter from where the capital is flowing? I refer to this short article on US companies and stock buy-backs which seem to be contributing to the upward trend in US equities: Thanks! Yours […]

One-World Government – Impossible / One-World-Currency Inevitable

COMMENT: Hello Martin, Finally you have raised the issue of the “global currency reset.” I have always been of the same opinion expressed by you that in a floating currency regime an administrative devaluation is not possible. What would be the basis of the new reserve currency? A link to a metal or to a (somewhat) floating […]