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Strange Deaths Surrounding Wall Street

Thomas J. Hughes, a 29-year-old investment banker allegedly took his life by jumping from a luxury apartment building at 1 West Street in Manhattan last week. Per usual, the NYPD immediately declared it a suicide. Strangely, serious investigations never took place and similar deaths have occurred within the past 18 months all declared suicides. Wall […]

Global Warming Stopped 16 Years Ago

The Daily Mail released the numbers, showing all along that this idea of global warming has been just a natural cycle. London used to be horrible to live in during the summer, when the buses spewed out black exhaust. Today all the buses run on electric or natural gas, and to a large extent, the […]

Is Gold Becoming Illegal?

There is a very curious new development with respect to gold. In many European countries, people can no longer buy retail gold coins for bullion. Shops will buy but no one is selling. Banks that previously offered gold to the public have shut down in Spain. If someone leaves Spain wearing a lot of jewelry, […]

How to Survive a Banking Crisis

Many in Spain are starting to figure out that the only way to survive is to get your money out of the bank. Accounts can just be frozen as they did to the Russians living in Spain, demanding they prove the source of their funds. Banco Madrid has had its funds frozen while the government tries to […]

Separatist Movement in Spain

The formation of Spain dates back to the marriage of the Catholic Monarchs Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon (Catalan). They were both from the House of Trastámara and were second cousins, being both descended from John I of Castile. They married on October 19th, 1469 (1469.8), in the city […]

The Coming Cashless Society

You are now watching newspapers, TV shows, and other forms of media preparing for the coming cashless society. This is a marketing campaign, and may indeed be what October 1, 2015 is all about – 2015.75. I doubt that the USA will be able to move to a cashless society as easily as Europe. The […]

Gold & the International View

QUESTION: Dear Martin, When you comment upon the majority of your analysis, I assume it is from a domestic (US oriented) perspective, looking out at the world.For instance, when you comment upon real assets such as gold, or silver (a stance which I agree with, incidentally) I assume that this is a position from the […]

Why the Fed Will Have to Raise Interest Rates

The prospect of the Federal Reserve remaining on track to raise interest rates later this year is still settling in, yet people fail to grasp that raising rates will be bullish and it will confirm the capital flows are moving into the USA. We have a serious divergence between the USA and Europe. Not only […]

Deflation – When Will It End?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, It is CRYSTAL clear that your call for a deflationary cycle has been right on the mark. No one else saw it coming. The changes that are part of this were not as visible even a few years ago like they are now. (Of course they were to you!) I can see […]

The Graying of Society & Why the US Economy is doing better than Most

Why is the USA better off in some respects to Europe and Asia? They are calling it the “Graying of Society”. The problem is rather stark: the socialistic system never counted on the collapse in birth rates and a greater life expectancy increase. This is wreaking havoc on the fiscal budgets of governments everywhere, yet […]