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Gold – China – Here We Go Again

QUESTION:    Hi Martin, I was “of one mind” when it came to gold and silver and the shisters that clam “manipulation to the downside,” “gold is going to 5K,” and “gold has bottomed” and on an on. Your site is the only source of information that I trust anymore and thanks to you I […]

Interest Rates & the Collapse of Public Confidence

QUESTION: If we truly are a moving to a cashless society as is evident, and that is massively deflationary, which I agree with, wouldn’t that drive govt. yields LOWER?  How do you reconcile a sovereign debt crisis and rising yields with a massive slowdown in inflation and growth that these misguided policies are driving us towards? […]

Jean-Claude Juncker Is Creating a Political EU Commission – Non-Politicians Get Out

Incoming European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, has cleverly created an EU executive that is essentially former politicians only. His intention has been that he wants only those with political experience to become a commissioner. He began soliciting a number of ex-prime ministers on his team who know the job and how to handle public opinion. Juncker realized that […]

The Secret Meeting in London to End Cash

I find it extremely perplexing that I have been the only one to report of the secret meeting in London. Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University, and Willem Butler, the Chief Economist at Citigroup, will address the central banks to advocate the elimination of all cash to bring to fruition the day when you cannot buy or sell anything without […]

Fractional v Transactional Banking

It is amazing how some people still do not understand. Some of the nasty comments we receive typically talk about gold, arguing that gold is money – nothing else – and I am dead wrong for saying that fractional banking is not the greatest evil. Example: “You talk about transitional banking that is wrong, I […]

Funding the Movie

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have been a fan of yours for a long time and congratulations on the Forecaster going to the big screen. Although I am just a small fish in a big pond, I am sure that I am not alone among you many readers. Have you thought about letting the throngs of […]

“The Forecaster” Now Moving to Feature Film

This has really been an amazing tour. The response in Europe has been at blockbuster levels, to the point that they are now going to turn “The Forecaster” into a feature film portrayed by actors. The level of people who now are grasping that there is a huge problem, set in motion by Clinton’s repeal […]

The Nationalization of Banks?

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Bank of Rothschild, is commonly misquoted to have said: “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws”. That is very nice and quaint, but times have changed. In those days money was coin. What the Rothschilds really controlled was not so much money, […]

Who Really Has the Power Today?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong: I hope you are doing well and congratulations for your successful European tour. Based on your experience, Do you believe that all the wealth of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, is hidden in trusts around the world to avoid paying taxes or was lost through the 20th century?. I look forward […]

Germany Goes Nuts: Coincidence, Luck, Influence or Something Else?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I realize you do not believe you are influential. However, you began your European tour on April 28th and ever since the bond markets have declined and you said buy gold coins in Stuttgart and Germans are frantically buying gold all of a sudden and the economy has not yet collapsed. This […]