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The Transactional Banking Report

This report discusses the historical origins of banking dating back to ancient times. We will discuss the recent development of transactional banking and the shift from relationship banking, which was a consequence of the Clinton's repeal of Glass-Steagall.


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For clarification, our reports are digital download – there will be NO hardcopy reports mailed. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, there are no refunds offered. Please consider this before you purchase.

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The World Real Estate Report

The “World Real Estate” report provides an overview of the markets around the world with respect to real estate and the trends in motion.

The full report includes U.S., Canada, Central America and Mexico, Cuba, Europe, British, Denmark, France, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Greece, Spain, Switzerland, Central & Eastern Europe, Russia, Australia, Middle East, Turkey, UAE, Latin America, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Asia, China, Japan, and Thailand.


Product Delivery:
Once your order is placed, the report(s) will be available for download via the confirmation page. In addition, you will have an order confirmation email delivered that will include a link to download the report. Please keep in mind, this is a limited use link to download the report, and the charge on your credit card may reference AE Global Solutions, Inc. (owner of Armstrong Economics).

For clarification, our reports are digital download – there will be NO hardcopy reports mailed. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, there are no refunds offered. Please consider this before you purchase.

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Euro Crisis & the Dollar

  We are finishing up the world currency reports. The reports are not ready at this time, but we will make an announcement once they are available. As we stated at the conferences, nothing appears ready to break before May. Nevertheless, the crazy period ahead appears to be the 2017-2020 time frame. The euro held […]

Market Talk – February 2, 2016

Once again, oil influenced markets around the world. Having dropped 6% yesterday, we were confronted with another 5.5% drop in prices today, closing below the psychological $30 level. Shanghai was the exception in Asia (closing up 2.3%) but this was a relief from previous weak sessions, rather than a specific excuse! ASX lost 1% after […]

More Delusional Gold Theories?

1931 COMMENT: Every gold analyst says you are wrong and that gold stocks rose during the Great Depression as the only hedge. Would you care to comment. I bet not. REPLY: Some of these people are not interested in the truth, and quite frankly, deserve what they will get. Why are they always so nasty? […]

Judge Walker Is The Same Judge Who Fined a Lawyer For Filing a Suit on 9/11

A number of emails have asked if this was the same Judge Walker who fined a lawyer by the name of William Veale for asking him to remove himself from an appeal due to a conflict of interest involving a 9/11 lawsuit filed by April Gallop. Gallop worked in the Pentagon and was 40 feet from where they […]

Market Talk – February 1, 2016

Despite a better than previous Chinese PMI release (48.4 against a previous 48.2) it was not what was expected (48.6) and so the Shanghai Index just could not make headway and eventually closed down 1.8%. Japan, on the other-hand, was still trading better (+1.8%) on the negative interest rate route as money looks for bargains […]

What Happens to Cash When Governments Go Electronic?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What happens to paper money when the government moves electronic? Is it just cancelled? Does cash then become worthless? Thanks RD ANSWER: It appears that electronic currency will first arrive in Europe. The cash will be demonetized, so yes, it will become worthless. However, they will most likely give you a time […]

Restitution Coinage of Trajan 107AD – The Demonetization of the Money Supply

In the year 107AD, the Emperor Trajan attempted to revitalize the money suppy ordering that all the old coinage be “melted down all the worn-out coinage” according to the historian Casssius Dio. In essence, the treasury was greatly depleted due to his prolonged campaign to conquer Dacia, modern day Yugoslavia region. Trajan actually demonitzed all […]

Legal Reform – Learning From the Mistakes of the Past

Typically, the first thing society addresses that sparks a revolution is the abuse of justice. Shakespeare’s famous quote, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers,” is not actually about lawyers. You have to understand the context. Private individuals were not allowed to have lawyers in those days – only the king could have lawyers. It was not until […]