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2013 August 7th What Was it? Nothing or a Watershed Shift?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I have been reading almost all of your writings in the past 4-5 years.  I just wanted to clarify or dig a little bit deeper on your blog post today for the Dow and the ECM.  You noted that we must wait until the bottom of the ECM in September this […]

Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong,  I am a big fan of your work. I read ALL of your blogs and have purchased some of your materials. You truly opened my eyes to how the world really works. I am unfortunately one of those public workers you talk about. I first hand see how my employers are having trouble […]

Military Takes Control of Thailand

On this War Cycle, Asia is about 2 years ahead of Europe. In the Cycle of War Report I noted that the cycle for China was slightly ahead of 2014. This is being reflected in the elections in India, which was an uprising politically against corruption there as well. Thailand has been in turmoil given […]

Historic Trade Deal Russia & China – Will this Dethrone the USD?

QUESTION: My question is this: Russia and China making bilateral trade not using USD, China doing so with other countries etc. the buzz now is USD falling from grace. Yet is seems to me that as long as currencies out there are relating in any way with USD, and oil is priced in USD then […]

Awesome Putin – Russian Solders Appear in Ukraine

QUESTION: Hey Marty, Don’t you think that Obama has played Ukraine right? In my opinion, he has done the right thing by not going anywhere near a “putting boots on the ground” scenario. I can not help but think that the hype is completely wrong about Putin only getting involved in Ukraine because he views […]

Australia – A Fresh Look at Down-Under

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I firstly wanted to commend you for all the valuable information contained in your website and for your vigilance and generosity in providing this free of charge.  I met you at a Seminar in Surfer’s Paradise, Queensland some years ago with Jack Houghton.  I had invested in your Australian gold fund and […]

Why Conspiracy Theories Give Way Too Much Credit to Mythical People

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I retired this year from …. where my boss has gone to these yearly Bilderberg meetings. I just wanted to say that they are indeed as clueless as you report. Quite frankly, many follow your writings for the greatest fear is the Sovereign Debt Crisis and the global hunt for tax money. There is […]

German Politicians Promise Unfunded Pensions Just to Win?

Germany is promising a Woman’s Mother’s Pension  for those mothers whose children were born before 1992. They will be entitled to early retirement at 63. The retirement package includes not only the retirement age to 63 for the accelerated expansion of the Union of pension, but it also offered a slightly improved disability pension. It is to go […]

Swiss vote Against Minimum Wage by 77% to 23%

Swiss voted against the minimum wage, which has shocked many. Nevertheless, the Swiss rejected the popular initiative for a statutory minimum wage. The majority really rejected the proposal as 77% of voters voted against the proposal with only 23% were in favor. The popular initiative “for the protection of fair wages” called for a mandatory […]

Global Warming Fascist Movement & Academic Welfare

  Winston Churchill said that “History is written by the victors.” That is so true even among Establishment Academics. Anyone who thinks that Global Warming is really caused by man is naive to say the least. This is a political agenda to raise taxes by politicians and to reduce population growth among academics. What these people have […]