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FTX & Crypto-Implosion

  The collapse of the FTX Exchange is pretty straightforward insofar as this is the same lesson that constantly repeats in finance time and time again. Basically, FTX lent US$10bn of client funds to their trading arm Alameda, which used it for leveraged their own crypto speculation because the crypto market has been collapsing. Typically, […]

Join Us From Home! The WEC Begins on Friday!

There’s still time to join the 2022 World Economic Conference as a virtual attendee! Allow our past attendees to tell you about their first-hand experiences: “Martin is the “Einstein” of finance! His insight and knowledge of history is unsurpassed and put todays events in context with the history of mankind.” (Orlando 2021) “Your cycles have […]

Division of Pure Hatred

QUESTION: Dear Marty Are we indeed witnessing this divide between socialists/Marxists and conservatives/sensible people worldwide not just in the USA? Is this the last worldwide battle against marxism (anti-God)? Look at Brazil. No different. In the protests yesterday several Lula supporters actually ran over Bolsonaristas who were protesting in the street. At least 5 were […]

Climate Change War – US v Russia

As senior U.S. military officers deployed to NATO’s front line against Russia on the border with Ukraine have boasted that they are ready to join the fight. This provoked a response from Russia’s ambassador to the United States told Newsweek that such a move would bring about catastrophic ramifications. The commanders of the U.S. Army 101st […]

Voters’ Remorse

Americans are having voters’ remorse after the country took a sharp nose-dive into the ground under the Biden Administration. The economy has been destroyed along with our reputation and future outlook. A new poll has found that only 33% would re-elect Joe Biden if the next presidential election were held today. Out of the 33% […]

French Fuel Shortage Leads to Yellow Vest Resurgence

The French, especially in Paris, are starting to feel the effects of the gas shortage. There are reports of cars queued for miles outside gas stations. Some have reported waiting for over an hour, only to find that there was no petrol left to fuel their vehicle. Workers at TotalEnergies and Esso-ExxonMobil in France are […]

New World Order v Status Quo

QUESTION: “This New World Order will fail. ” assume status quo fails before NWO fails… what will the new status quo look like? RP ANSWER: We all have opinions. In times like these, the personal opinion does not help very much for as Julius Caesar said, people believe what they want to believe. Those who […]

Bonds & the Fate of the Future

The 30-year bond elected a major long-term Quarter Bearish Reversal on target. This confirms the long-term outlook that we had warned back at the high that we were establishing a 5,000-year low in rates (high in bond prices). The sell signals on bonds at the end of September are very profound. This is also why […]

NATO Preparing for World War

I know for a fact that the US military is deploying some reservists to Romania to train European soldiers. The reservists have been told that the war will escalate, and as a soldier told me, “things are getting really bad over there.” They will be training the Europeans to fight against Russians for at least […]

Market Talk – September 27, 2022

ASIA:  To stabilize China’s foreign exchange market and support the value of the yuan, the country’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China (PBC), announced that it will raise the foreign exchange (FX) risk ratio for foreign exchange forward trading from 0 to 20 percent, effective Wednesday. It will increase the cost of foreign exchange […]