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The Fudge Factor – Close vs. Intraday

QUESTION:  My question  below  is  for  Mr.  Armstrong. Hi Mr.  Armstrong, Thank you in behalf of  all of the investors/ traders who  are  awaiting to join Socrates soon .  my question is  you said in  recent  blog today  ”  If we break and close August at least BELOW 15961, then this will open the door […]

Dow Today (August 26, 2015) & the Three-Day Bounce

The cycles and oscillators still suggest a three-day bounce into Thursday. We would need a daily closing back above 16461 to suggest that the low will hold at least temporarily. Then we should retest the support. This is where it will become critical going into Monday that we hold this week’s low. If we break and close August […]

Thank You – The Future

COMMENT:  I carefully read through all your missives you had sent over the weekend, highlighting the importance of Monday for the Dow, and the levels given. You even said “Pay attention now Monday could be the intraday low. The open will be crucial”. And the low so far indeed did occur in the opening few […]

Market Talk – August 24, 2015

“Wild” is an understatement to describe today’s equity market moves. Some say the Chinese are at fault for their unexpected move in currency, but whatever the reason for the increased volatility, you can be sure they will increase margin requirements, which will add to the volatility and further the decline in liquidity. All Asian equity […]

Panic – Time to Jump on the Low?

Our models show a gap in the Reversals, which is what you look for in a panic move. We warned, “A closing below 16680 would warn of a drop to the 15500 area.” This was the GAP. So far, the Dow fell to 15370.33 on our target for this week as the Panic Cycle. We ran our […]

Markets in Turmoil: A False Move Preparing For Something Else?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all your writings. I may not understand them all, but certainly appreciate what you are doing to inform those of us you care what is happening in this world economy. Question: With the dow tanking, is this considered the FALSE move you wrote about previously. That in essence […]

France Calls for the Federalization of Europe

History repeats because human nature never differs. I have warned that Albert Einstein was correct: you can NEVER solve a problem with the same line of thing that created the crisis. NEVER has anyone in power EVER concluded that they are the cause of a crisis – it is always someone else. They were the same people in school who […]

There is Only One Way Out For Greece

Brussels has been dead wrong. The stupid idea that the euro will bring stability and peace, as it was sold from the outset, has migrated to European domination as if this were “Game of Thrones”. Those in power have misread history, almost at every possible level. The assumption that the D-marks’ strength was a good […]

Failed Dreams & Destroying Europe

The whole idea of a one world government that began in Europe with the Treaty of Rome was based upon the idea inside Europe that a single government would end war. They never considered that there are two sides to that coin ­– international war and internal war – that we call revolution. As Thomas […]

Understanding How Things Must Function

QUESTION: I can follow the reasoning for some of the capital flows into the U.S. now and a bit longer. But eventually much of this capital is going to leave the U.S. correct? Besides some off the grid investing, is China and Asia looking like the most promising economies to attract the future change in […]