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The West will get a lesson for memory that it is bad to fight with Russia

It would be nice to think that all we have to do is get out and vote to rid ourselves of these warmongers. But they control the elections, and they are in their glory. I do not see how we can avoid this war. They are doing everything in their power to prevent RFK from […]


QUESTION: This prosecutor in New York says she will start seizing Trump’s real estate in New York and will take his golf course tomorrow. What would you do? WH ANSWER: I would let her seize the property and sell it. If he wins on appeal, she is liable for all the damages. But let me […]

The Real Coup by Illegal Aliens Storming Biden’s Open Gates

QUESTION: Your comment on how you had the mandate from Hong Kong to negotiate with Australia, and the PM would not allow them in because they would vote conservative, has highlighted this entire agenda from the Democrats. They are destroying our country. Will Biden grant them voting rights to suppress those of us who work […]

The Receipts Proving the CCP Bought the Bidens

?Rep. @ByronDonalds just dropped the RECEIPTS proving Joe Biden obtained money from the CEFC, which is directly linked to the CCP: "It is clear that the source of this money came from the CEFC and that CEFC is a company that is directly linked to the CCP and the chairman of… — Benny Johnson […]

Republican Zionists Collaborating to Buy TikTok

China is NOT the reason that Congress nearly unanimously agreed to ban TikTok – the final frontier of free speech. America relies on China for the majority of its pharmaceuticals. China is America’s largest trade partner, and most of the products we use daily are made in China. There have been state provisions, but not […]

The Great Misconception of AI

AI is a hot topic for regulators. Regulators and most companies that offer purported AI are clueless about what constitutes actual AI. Way too many charlatans are out there calling a simple trend-following program AI. They create some rules, and the program just follows what they created. That is NOT Artificial Intelligence. The SEC is […]

The Failed Promises We Made to the Youth

  The video above is an accurate depiction of how Millennials and Gen Z are operating in today’s economy. They were told that working hard and obtaining a higher education could afford the American Dream. Instead, they are unable to access home ownership, begin families, and are crippled by debt. Analysts now seem perplexed at […]

Google and Election Interference

  Anyone with access to the internet from 2019 to 2020 can tell you that Google did, in fact, meddle in the 2020 US Presidential Elections in favor of then-candidate Joe Biden. Media Research Center found that Google interfered 41 times over the last 16 years, which is a drastic underestimation. Google continues to interfere […]

Bloodbath Propaganda

A quote by former President Trump was completely taken out of context and used by the leftist media to create an ongoing propaganda campaign. I will note the full context of his speech, but in short, Trump used the phrase “there will be a bloodbath,” and EVERY media outlet is churning out articles stating that […]

Georgia Needs to be Expelled from United States – with NY & Calif – NOW to save Society!

The absurd decision that Fani Willis is not disqualified after meeting with the Vice President and having her lover appointed the prosecutor over Trump, who was also meeting with the Department of Justice, demonstrates that the legal system is just a political charade. A judge is supposed to be recused when a reasonable person might […]