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Germany’s Anti-Greta: Naomi Seibt

I find it fascinating how a 19-year-old can do the research that climate change is natural and that whatever impact humans have is negligible. All we have to do is go to the NASA site and look at the current composition of the atmosphere. CO2 is about 0.04%. I just do not see how we […]

IMF’s New Bretton Woods Moment

COMMENT: The IMF & a new Bretton Woods? When are you going to admit that everything they are doing is because of you and your models? Fes-up! HC REPLY: I understand that it appears they have been following our models from the January 18, 2020 turning point to the Sovereign Debt Crisis and looking into […]

The Discovery in Volterra

In Tuscany, Italy, a major discovery has been made of the only amphitheater to have been discovered that was never excavated before. This is being called the “Archaeological Discovery of the Century,” for everything else has been cleared over by people for centuries. The location is the ancient Italian city of  Volterra, which was once […]

They are Banning Halloween, Thanksgiving, & Christmas

Perhaps people will wake up soon and see that while they have turned COVID-19 into an issue to try to defeat Trump, that is only the tip of the iceberg. Restrictions will continue well into 2021 and they are planning to keep this up to save the planet. They have already called off Halloween. Fauci […]

Twitter Bans Trump Campaign – It’s Time They are Taken to Court

Trump campaign official Mike Hahn said Thursday that Twitter suspended the Trump campaign’s official Twitter account, @TeamTrump, after it posted anti-Biden content which called him a liar. They do nothing about Democrats and this is now crossing the line where they are as guilty of interfering with an election and they all accused Putin and […]

Leonardo DiCaprio is in League with Bill Gates

  Here we have yet another person pushing the climate change agenda who also has no scientific background to question the very words he is speaking. This is not a movie script to read. He too is trying to use his star-status to force people to lose their jobs and has been also a speaker […]

Sky News Calls Out Schwab & his DAVOS

  I find it very interesting how these billionaires seem to want to prevent anyone else from making a lot of money, for perhaps they would do as they are doing and fund the opposition. It is just amazing how divided the world is becoming and that is the element needed for revolutions.   The […]

It’s Al Gore Destroying your Future – His Manipulation of the World Opinion

In the April 28, 1975 edition of Newsweek, they actually proposed solutions for climate change that included outlawing internal combustion engines. The interesting aspect was the fear at that time was about global cooling — not global warming. The 70s were dominated by the fear that we were facing manmade global cooling, not warming. TIME magazine’s […]

World Economic Conference 2020 – Dec 4 & 5

This year’s World Economic Conference, which Nigel Farage called “the alternative to Davos,” will be held in Orlando on December 4 & 5. We had to cancel Shanghai and Frankfurt this year, but our arrangements with the hotel here in Orlando and politics have opened doors. We will not be able to accommodate the usual […]

Using Every Trick in the Book

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I know you have said several times that the maniacs pushing this Great Reset are going to lose, but are your models showing any idea on WHEN the tipping point is going to be reached here where the majority see through the nonsense and stop co-operating? I’m based in the UK and […]