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The Judiciary Refuses to Rule on the 2020 Election

The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the lawsuit calling into question the 2020 election. The media immediately jumps on it saying that the lawsuit relied on “baseless conspiracy theories” spread by Trump and his supporters that the election was stolen in favor of Joe Biden. This is in itself FAKE NEWS and a […]

The Endless Propaganda Behind the Dollar

QUESTION: Marty; the gold propaganda is increasing dramatically. They are now claiming there are five signs that say the dollar will collapse any day now. Warning Sign #1: Russia Sanctions Prove Dollar Reserves “Aren’t Really Money” Warning Sign #2: Rubles, Gold, and Bitcoin for Gas, Oil, and Other Commodities Warning Sign #3: The Petrodollar System […]

Interest Rates & The Chaos Ahead

QUESTION: Marty, Your forecast for the Panic Cycle here in Australian politics was correct and it beat all the polls as you did in BREXIT. Our new leader is a full-on board with the WEF climate agenda and will have all cars electric by 2030. As you say, in war you take out the power […]

Sri Lanka – First Emerging Market to Default

Sri Lanka has defaulted on its debts for the first time in its history. It has faced an economic and political crisis triggered by global shock waves from the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Inflation has hit 40% and the shortages of food, fuel, and medicines combined with the rolling power blackouts, have led […]

Population & Social Security – Civil Unrest

QUESTION #1: Dear Martin and AE Team, Thank you for everything you do and have done for us, the little people. My question is this. As you/Socrates have predicted the fall of governments on a global scale, along with the collapse in confidence, of which I am the poster child for, I was a lifelong […]

Switzerland Joining the Warmongering Crowd

The propaganda machine has been working at full speed. Sweden and Finland have been convinced to join NATO and now we have reports from within Switzerland that they too are contemplating surrendering their neutrality and joining the end times for Europe. The Swiss franc has fallen the last few weeks also as its central bank […]


COMMENT: Marty, I want to thank you so much for the WEC. Perhaps you will consider doing one that is streamed in the middle of this craziness. I have listened to many analysts. But you are head and shoulders above everyone. Only you called for declining economic growth, rising inflation, and rising interest rates in […]

The Cryptocurrency Crisis

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to express my thanks. You were the only one who called the high in Bitcoin. You saved my marriage, my home, and my future. I tried to tell a friend who went and took an equity loan to invest in Bitcoin. He may lose his home now. I tried […]

Nuclear Deterrence

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I work on defense issues for my job, but I am no Neocon. Second Strike works just fine too or more likely “Launch Under Attack” (LUA), and even with older weapons. Everybody goes down together and most likely via miscalculation especially given possible Nuclear Winter which given Volcano data actually looks plausible. No […]

New Webinars – Tickets Available!

We are pleased to announce that we have scheduled new upcoming webinars: Understanding the Monetary Crisis Cycle Model (NEW WEBINAR!) Understanding the Economic Confidence Model For more information, please click on the title of the webinar above that interests you. We look forward to welcoming you to our webinar!