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Gold & The Computer

Yes the Computer is still short 11 positions using the reversals taken up until last Thursday. A closing today below 1365 leaves gold still vulnerable. A Special report will go out tonight for those who signed up for the 2013 Metals Report. The 2013 Metals Report – $300

Gold 5 Minute Resistance

The 5 minute resistance level is 1384.5. The 5 Minute Bullish Reversal is 1399.

Gold & the Hourly Closing

We now need an hourly closing back above 1405 to relieve the selling pressure. We ultimately need an hourly closing back above 1429 to firm up such a low.

Gold Technical Support

The Weekly Breakline for this week is 1398.6 and this will provide some resistance at this point. The Monthly Breakline, however, lies at 1365.6. After that, support drops to 1310 area which should hold short-term. The major support remains at the 1150 level followed by 1035 and 970. We will be sending out a special […]

Gold Update – Gold Panic

We have been holding around the Monthly Bearish 1386, but the next one is 1310. The Monthly Breakline is 1409. This is the result of bullish goldbugs that create the BELIEF that gold can ONLY go up. NO market functions that way and the pure fiat domestic analysis creates huge losses for the average person. […]

Gold Broke $1434 – The Tree is Shaken

We will put out a special report today for those who have purchased the 2013 Metals Report. The break of $1434 is absolutely critical. The tree has been shaken – but not yet stirred. The 2013 Metals Report – $300

Gold Inventories Shifting to Europe

Gold has been on the move to Europe causing the COMEX inventory to decline. While the inventory level is one thing the market manipulators play with to get everyone excited, it is normally associated with manipulation attempts and changes in real actual trends. The Buffett Silver Rally was touted the same way. He bought silver […]

Join the Real Goldbug Movement

It is time to really understand what makes gold and silver rise and fall. Enough of the nonsense about HYPERINFLATION. Even the Bible instructs that there is a TIME for everything and that includes a TIME to BUY and a TIME to SELL. Never trade anything from a buy only position. Governments are committing suicide […]

Gold – Reality Check

I remain long-term bullish on gold which is the HEDGE against government – not inflation. This nonsense of fiat and all that bullshit sounds good. But that was all true when gold fell for 19 years as well. This is a market. The object here is to SURVIVE what is coming. The market is NEVER […]

Gold Intraday Bullish Reversal

We will send out a special report today on the close for those entitled to the 2013 Metals Report. Suffice it to say, the intraday Bullish Reversal on the 5 minute on the June Gold is near the Weekly Bearish, 1523.1. It is never over until the Fat Lady Sings, or in this case screams.