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Disgusted with Congress Yet?

QUESTION: I see what you mean that even the Republicans are against Trump. If the NSA is taking all our phone calls, emails, and SMS and the latest Wikileaks shows what the CIA is doing, how is it possible to say that Trump was not monitored during the election after Hillary Tweeted about the same […]

Why Removing Trump Will Lead to Civil War

QUESTION: Marty; It seems that the left is winning in preventing Trump from really reforming anything and the Republicans themselves are divided over Obamacare. Do you see this change? Thank you for what you do. It is striking how on point you have been. LE ANSWER: The Democrats led by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are […]

Happy Pi Day – Tomorrow is the Ides of March

While today is know as Pi Day, tomorrow is the fateful Ides of March and indeed to Trump we must say – Beware! It clearly appears that the Treasury has been deliberately trying to get rid of its cash reserves which stood at $435 billion before the election. They obviously expected President Hillary Clinton would be […]

Will Trump Succeed? No!

QUESTION: Do you think Trump is really a racist? I do not quite understand this. It seems like this has been manufactured simply because of his travel ban. Can you shed some light on this? Do you think Trump will really make a difference? Thanks MW ANSWER: There is no evidence that Trump is a […]

A Woman’s Right to Equality Has Changed due to Socialism

When many people see great political leaders or business leaders, the shocking realization is that they mostly see only men. Why is that? The answer is actually cultural which has been embedded since ancient times, but not in all cultures. In ancient Rome, women had the office of the Vestal Virgin (Latin: Vestales) who were the priestesses […]

Jarrett & Obama Even Live Together – She is Said to be Fixated on Overthrowing Trump

The hot topic in Washington is that Jarrett has been behind the attempt to (1) investigate Trump under the pretense of National Security and (2) has been the one also orchestrating the insurgency protests to overthrow Trump. Jarrett even lived in the White House and dined with the Obamas. She has now also moved into Obama’s […]

Connecting the Dots

Understanding that one must watch the world to ascertain the trend even domestically is critical – this is what separates a domestic trader from a professional hedge fund manager. You simply have to know what is happening out there on all fronts. Connecting the dots allows you to see the full picture of what exactly […]

The Meltdown in Politics

The political world is melting down. The press is so bought and paid for and lost all sense of impartial reporting just the news. All I can say is this is the beginning of the end. Rejoice – you have a front row seat to witness the decline and fall of the West. It’s only […]

Democrat v Republican

We are perhaps witnessing the political crisis of a life time. Our model has been projecting this crisis and I warned more than 20 years ago that the Democratic Party was in serious decline. Keep in mind that Trump effectively became a third party candidate within the Republican Party. So by no means is this […]

Jarrett from within White House May Have Launched a Watergate Style Attack on Trump During Election

I have been hearing about the Obama Administration wiretapping and trying desperately to uncover links of Trump and Putin without success for months. Obama was desperate to blame the Russians for Hillary’s loss. I have warned that Obama’s OFA was circumventing state level Democrats. The rumor mill alleges that this was a Valerie Jarrett operation which was […]