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Debt Foregiveness

QUESTION: Will debt forgiveness only be for government entities at all levels or will it include private businesses and private citizens as well?  If it will be for all, then why not go out now, take out a loan, buy something (i.e. car) with the loan, sit back and wait for the debt to be […]

Market Talk – November 19, 2020

ASIA: The Chinese government issued debt at a negative interest rate for the first time on Wednesday in a bond sale that attracted significant investor interest, according to Deutsche Bank (DB), one of the banks that helped arrange the transaction. Faced with ever lower interest rates at home, European investors snapped up the bulk of […]

Is there a Way Out?

QUESTION: Martin, I live in Canada.  Our PM had our former finance minister take the fall for their blatant corruption, is blocking and tackling every move to bring it to light and is turning our parliamentary government against the people, working to crush the economy, impose lockdowns, raid our government-mandated employment insurance funds to provide universal […]

The US is Being Invaded Right Now & the Media is Cheering

  We even have the British Press trying to overthrow Trump. The Economist has the audacity to pronounce Biden the winner claiming, “When every vote counts,” but fail to add the words “When every legal vote counts.” Everyone knows that the civic duty of the dead is to continue to vote even for parties they […]

American Are Ignorant of What the Real Plan Is

COMMENT: You are correct. Americans are ignorant of what is taking place in Europe. The new law states everything except work was forbidden: “walking, having fun, singing, dancing, meeting, everything was forbidden … ” This is about reducing society to mere existence. GF REPLY: People have no idea what this agenda is all about. I […]

Market Talk – November 5, 2020

ASIA: China has barred non-Chinese travelers from the UK, Belgium, and the Philippines, imposing new border restrictions in response to the worsening Covid-19 pandemic. The Chinese embassy in the UK said on Wednesday that China’s borders were now closed to those arriving from the UK, including those with valid visas and residence permits. The measure, […]

Market Talk – November 3, 2020

ASIA: Ant Group’s highly anticipated IPO has been suspended following a meeting between the company’s billionaire co-founder Jack Ma and regulators in China, an abrupt move that threatens what was due to be the largest share sale in history. The Shanghai Stock Exchange said in a statement on Tuesday that it had postponed the company’s […]

Europe Preparing to Cancel all Paper Money

  Europe is moving full speed ahead to cancel all outstanding paper money and move to a digital euro. They are doing this to force all money back into the banks and to end the hoarding of cash. I strongly recommend anyone looking to keep cash around swap to the US dollar ASAP. Our model […]

Germany Preparing to Postpone the 2021 Elections Already

  COMMENT: Dear Marty, as you already know the german federal parliament is called “Deutscher Bundestag“. The parliament has an institution called “Wissenschaftliche Dienste“. The staff there helps the representatives to get informations independently from the governmental executive. Wissenschaftliche Dienste wrote an advisory opinion about the question if the german federal election which is due […]

United Nations Handing over Names of Dissents to China

The United Nations internal ethics investigation has agreed that the U.N. Human Rights Office approved handing over the names of Uighur activists to China and the excuse really makes you wonder do they think we are just all total morons? They are handing over the names of these dissents because they were “primarily interested in […]