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They now want to Reduce Dog & Cat Ownership to Stop Global Warming

Well, it was only a matter of time that when you read between the lines concerning pet population of dogs and cats, the solution is to REDUCE their numbers – which is really what they argue for behind the curtain concerning humans. I have written previously how they really want to starve humans to reduce […]

The New Documentary is now Online

This documentary is available for only $7.99.

Why Has the USA been “Pinnacle of Global Success”

To the shock of everyone in politics and economics who can’t get enough socialism and want to bash that the disparity of income is so evil, these Marxists are beside themselves when the World Economic Forum released a study that shows the United States is the most competitive nation on earth. They have, however, concluded that their […]

Hillary Advocates Violence Unless Democrats Win

  Some people have asked about the computer projections for a tremendous increase in civil violence. There is absolutely no resolution to the great divide that has unfolded politically. The Democrats advocate violence as Hillary clearly states. She says that civility can ONLY return when the Democrats take back the government. Clearly, this is throwing […]

The View of American Politics from Afar

COMMENT: This business with Trump and the media is quite amazing when seen from a distance. I read posts from people who can not see past what they are believing. It’s as if the hate for Trump has become a Religion. A religious person will refuse to look at things from another perspective and this is […]

Is the Whole World Just Arguing for the Sake of Arguing?

In the programming world, Activists from the feminist and LGBTQIA+ communities have been trying to force the Linux project to join their Contributor Covenant since at least 2015.  They want to boycott all programming unless they sign agreements with the feminists. The same hatred we are witnessing in politics has taken over in so many fields. Anyone who refuses to […]

Now We have Caused the Earth to Shift – We Humans Cause Everything

Ok, it is time to all hold hands and jump up and down a few times to set the Earth back in line. The latest is that since 1899, humans are now also causing the Earth’s axis of spin to shift about 34 feet (10.5 meters). Now, research quantifies the reasons why and finds that a […]

2018 World Economic Conference – Singapore

2018 World Economic Conference in Singapore.

Beware of the Real Debt Crisis on the Horizon – not the BS on TV

We have to come to the reality that from 2019 onward, we are headed into a Pension Crisis that will be serious. Many are starting to yell about the debt crisis. They lump on private debt and yell its a bubble. What they miss entirely is the fact that we face more than a decade […]

Beware the Common Thread that runs through War

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to argue that the sanctions against Russia are unjustified with respect to their invasion of Ukraine. I understand that Kiev was the original capital of the Rus. You do not agree with the sanctions I assume because you argue they are pointless and will not work. Can you elaborate […]