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Belgium Files LawSuit Against Gates & Neil Ferguson

Hundreds of angry Belgians have filed a lawsuit against Bill Gates, Belgium, and a British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson in court. They want all corona measures to be abolished. They have argued that “[w]ithout a lockdown, there would have been fewer deaths.” People have lost their freedoms and their livelihood all to further a concocted agenda […]

Can Truth and Reconciliation Prevent the Crash & Burn?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, After Apartheid, South Africa assembled the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Do you think there is any chance that in five or so years that we could have a similar commission where politicians, business leaders, scientists and media figures admit their crimes and lies in exaggerating the virus? In such a commission victims […]

The Media’s Conspiracy Against the People

YouTube moderators, with no medical background to even determine if what is being said is true, are censoring doctors who contradict the WHO and Bill Gates. It is totally outrageous how these social media companies are conspiring against the people to censor things they have no expertise in reviewing. This is purely a “policy” decision, […]

Oregon Separatist Movement to be On the Ballot

The riots in Portland have only inspired a new separation movement. The suburbs in Oregon are moving to separate and join Idaho after nearly two months of daily protests and rioting in Portland. Personally, my advice to Trump was straight forward. He should not send in troops to any city. Let the left throw out […]

Market Talk – July 24, 2020

ASIA: Beijing has ordered the closure of a US consulate in south-western China, in a move that will escalate tensions between the two countries to a new level. On Friday, China’s ministry of foreign affairs said it had ordered the US consulate in Chengdu, in Sichuan province, to cease all operations. Authorities notified the US […]

Shortage of $50 Canadian Bills?

  A reader sent in this photo that was posted at the head office branch of Bank of Montreal in Vancouver, which is one of the largest banks in Canada. This is a trend that is beginning to appear around the world. However, central banks are using the virus as an excuse to cut off […]

The Fate of Yugoslavia is the Same Fate of the Roman Empire

A lot of emails have come in about the video about the Yugoslavian Civil War video. The core of the video is indeed how civilization collapses. I have stated many times that civilization blossoms when EVERYONE benefits. When one group is given favored status, the process of the decline and fall has begun. There is […]

Market Talk – July 14, 2020

ASIA: The United States is sending two aircraft carriers into the South China Sea at the same time as China is conducting military exercises in the contested waterway, the Wall Street Journal reported. The USS Ronald Reagan and USS Nimitz would be in the South China Sea from Saturday, the US news outlet quoted the […]

Michigan’s Trojan Horse to Open the Door for Judges to Order People Be Implanted with Tracking Chips

I have a correction to make. Gretchen Esther Whitmer is a Democrat serving as the 49th governor of Michigan. When I first reported that a bill prohibiting employers from implanting chips into their employees, it did seem a bit strange that a Democrat would actually protect the people against this hidden agenda of Bill Gates […]

Schwab’s Insane Stakeholder Economics is Marxism in Sheep’s Clothing

QUESTION: It would please me if you would comment on the subject of “Stakeholder Capitalism” vis-a-vis this article from Forbes. PR ANSWER: I have actually gone into detail on Schwab’s absolute Marxist philosophy of “Stakeholder Economics” economics where a corporation’s first loyalty is to the community and not the shareholders to the point it must […]