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Latvia Joins Euro

On Jan. 1, 2014, Latvia will adopt the euro and another currency bites the dust. The lats currency will be gone and we must say farewell to the fulsomely bearded Krišjānis Barons, the collector of folk songs who graces the 100-latu note. The little Baltic nation is shucking a piece of its national heritage because its […]

European Civil Unrest is Now Widely Expected by EU

In France, an internal secret report of the French government warns of nationwide civil unrest as the economy simply implodes with rising taxes and higher unemployment. The French people are reported are simply “full of tension, frustration and anger” all because their purchasing power decreases (deflation) in the face of ever increasing tax burdens reported the Deutsche-Wirtschafts-Nachrichten. […]

Euro – Germany – Trade

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it was great to have you here in Europe. You mentioned before that Germany needs the euro to maintain its trade surplus with Europe. There seems to be a rising tide that is starting to recognize that, especially here in Greece. Is this the seeds of the collapse of the euro? ANSWER: There […]

Clarification Euro

“The Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at 14700. Technical resistance for a possible January high stands at 145-147 followed by 156 and 178.” The Reversal is our system target for the maximum high. The “Technical” resistance is simply levels within the market where they exist. This is not a forecast. It is a MAP. In other […]

Euro Update

The Euro has been churning back and forth between the US Chaos and the European mess. The Monthly Bullish Reversal stands at 14700. Technical resistance for a possible January high stands at 145-147 followed by 156 and 178. A year-end closing ABOVE 13490 will signal that we should see a high in January 2014. The major system […]

Growing Concern About the Federalization of Europe

The famous statue in Brussels to many is a symbol of the attitude of the politicians in Europe gathered in Brussels toward the rest of Europe and individuality. The local governments are becoming less and less important as the major decision process is coming from Brussels. The failed structure of the Euro has led to […]

European Banking Crisis – Seizing 10% of Everyone’s Accounts – Hello Cyprus

The European Banking Crisis is getting much worse and the whole structure is crumbling to dust. The banks cannot save themselves. The entire crisis is all about the structural design of the Euro, which the politicians will not address. They failed to create a single national debt and in so doing, the banks then used […]

The German Press Acknowledges The Federalization & Death of Democracy in Europe

Now the German press is starting to wake up for the headlines call it “The slow death of democracy in Europe”.  The Greens are losing ground everywhere as economics displaces environmental issues. In Germany, the SPD was reduced to a mere shadow of its former self while the Greens were reduced and the FDP crashed […]

European Political Mindset Remains the Same Since WWII

José Manuel Durão Barroso is a Portuguese politician and Member of the EPP . Since the end of November 2004 Barroso became President of the European Commission. On September 16, 2009 he was elected by the European Parliament for a second term of five years. He is indicative of why politicians should not be allowed […]

Merkel Won – Not Europe

The tragic saga of Europe is that Merkel’s victory means no change for Europe. The September elections may have surprisingly given Merkel’s party a near majority, but the likelihood of any real reform in Europe is now zero. We will see the slow and gradual decline and that is a sad state of affairs. There […]