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Market Talk – March 29, 2022

ASIA: Three of China’s largest banks have said that the country’s lenders face multiple headwinds this year that include the pandemic, global politics and domestic turmoil in the real estate industry. China’s banking industry is facing “a more complicated and severe business environment,” the country’s second-biggest lender by assets China Construction Bank Corp, said on […]

Biden’s Approval Rating Reaches New Low

Biden’s approval rating is now at its lowest point since he entered office. America is now at its worst point since he entered office. Biden has repeatedly shown the people that he is an incompetent leader. Even the White House has had to clarify Biden’s statements as a misstep while speaking as the POTUS could […]

Houston – We have a Problem in Washington

While it is true that all nations selfishly act to expand their geopolitical influence and power following Adman Smith’s Invisible hand be it internationally as well as domestically against their own people – i.e. endless regulations and rising taxation, here we have a President who goes off script and is lost now in his own […]

The Coming False Flag – Chemical Weapons?

The greatest fear I have is that Zelensky will be desperate to create a fake attack on his own people like everyone else has done to push their agenda. It would not be unexpected if the Ukrainians/West stage a FALSE FLAG and kill their own to get NATO and our real madman Biden to enter […]

Market Talk – March 28, 2022

ASIA: China’s financial hub of Shanghai launched a two-stage lockdown of its 26 million residents on Monday, closing bridges and tunnels and restricting highway traffic in a scramble to contain surging COVID-19 cases. It is the biggest COVID-related disruption to hit Shanghai and sent prices of commodities including oil and copper lower on fears that […]

Do you Prefer Lies or the Truth?

  QUESTION: You seem to be anti-American. Are you on the right side of history? DL ANSWER: Over 50,000 Americans died in vain for the Neocons and their lies in Vietnam when Communism was collapsing all by itself. I suppose you are the type that is your best friend is having sex with your partner, […]

Constantine IX (1042-1055)

Monetary History of Byzantium CONSTANTINE IX1042-1055 Constantine IX Monomachos (c. 1004–1055), reigned as Byzantine Emperor from June 1042 until January 1055 when he died. Constantine IX was chosen by Empress Zoë Porphyrogenita who was the daughter of Constantine VIII. Zoe chose Constantine IX as her husband and co-emperor in 1042, although she had been exiled […]

Zelensky – Who is Pulling his Strings?

COMMENT #1: Thank you for trying to tell the truth about Zelensky. He is not defending his own people. We elected him because he promised the opposite. Why does the West only listen to this traitor? Anonymous COMMENT #2: “Zelensky sacrificing his own people” ? Seems to me that psychotic dictator in the Kremlin has […]

Capital Flows Confirm War is Coming!

Our models have confirmed that Biden’s sanctions against all Russians have undeniably destroyed the global economy unfortunately precisely on time from its birth in 1950. Our capital flow models have confirmed that there has been an unprecedented cash outflow from China following Biden’s sanctions. Not only are we witnessing a withdrawal of Western capital from […]

The Neocons are on Both Sides & They Always Want War

QUESTION: Do you think Putin is a victim? HJ ANSWER: No, I think he has been played like a fiddle. Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, has come out and said: “This is not about Ukraine at all, but the world order. The current crisis is a fateful, epoch-making moment in modern history. It reflects […]