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Interview by Jim Puplava Excerpts: FSN: Martin, you have a wide following with investors and host large conferences around the globe. What are you telling investors right now? “Well, I think the best thing to do is clearly stay in the United States right now. Get out of any emerging markets because what you are going to […]

Interest Rates

In reality, easy-money policies and below-normal interest rates are here for a long time to come. We are seeing pressure on the labor market still has not fully recovered from the financial crisis and recession. We are at twice the level where we were prior to the economic turn in 1929 that became the Great […]

Update on Services

Looks like we will be launching the next page in the Global Market Watch next week. This will include the reversals, arrays, and charts. This has been in beta testing with clients and we have taken their suggestions to heart. We will provide a video demo shortly. The next phase will be to open up […]

GDP of Poland & Ukraine – The Numbers Behind the Revolution

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I saw a chart showing Poland’s economy vs Ukraine’s economy since the end of the USSR and it showed that Ukraine’s economy is smaller than 1991. You stated the people of Donetsk have nothing left, but did they have anything to begin with? It seems the Ukraine’s government was destroying everyone’s saving […]

Propaganda From All Sides

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; My family lives in Kiev and Donetsk. I know that this whole propaganda that they were Fascists in Kiev and this was orchestrated by the CIA originated with the Russians. My family in Donetsk were being told this was a CIA plot from the start and that the people from Maidan were […]

Inflation – One Size Does Not Fit All

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I just watched your Greg Hunter interview and had a question that several other commenters had. How can you say we have no inflation, when simply a trip to the grocery store proves that wrong? The average price of a home prepared meal has risen substantially since QE began. How do you reconcile […]

The Death of Representative Government – The Real Conspiracy – Crisis in Democracy

While people contrive secret groups that seek world domination, the real threat we have is directly in front of us – it is Republican Governments that masquerade as Democracies and are as evil as the Roman Republic that caused the civil war. The propaganda against Julius Caesar has survived to this day and has wrongly […]

German Municipalities In Crisis

I have warned that about 50% of the German municipalities are on the verge of bankruptcy. The pensions have been unfunded and are absorbing everything. As we saw in Detroit with more than 50% of current revenue going to pensions, taxes either rise, the borrow more, or they are out of business. We are in […]

Australia’s New ‘Demolition man’

Australia has been a resource-rich country that was used to running a surplus in the years headed into the 2007 financial crisis. The deficit now has a lot of people concerned in Australia – but not all. Australia is a highly socialistic country with very vocal Marxist groups. Mr Abbott has indicated that all Australians […]

Uprising Against Corruption is the Global Trend – Get Use to It

Anyone who thinks that Ukraine was just a CIA plot is honestly in serious denial and are blind to the real trend afoot. All governments are declining into corruption on a massive scale and this is reflected in their rising demands for taxation. The American Revolution was – No Taxation without Representation. That is the […]