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Medici & Controlling the Banking System

    The Medici were a powerful and influential Florentine family from the 13th to 17th century. There were four popes who were related to the Medici – Pope Leo X (December 11, 1475 – December 1, 1521), was pope from 1513 to his death. Pope Clement VII (May 26, 1478 – September 25, 1534), was a […]

Greece Turns up Heat Back on Germany

The old saying people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones seems to apply in Europe. Greece is moving toward the seizure of all German owned property to compensate for World War II reparations. That may be one way to pay off the loans to bailout Greece. What seems to go around, comes around. Just more […]

The FORECASTER to be Shown in Belgium

  The film will play at Docville Festival in Belguim May 1 – 7. Those interested in schedules should register at the film producer’s website for their newsletter at to get more information on all the showing around the world. This is a European produced film that has major independent funding. We do not […]

Switzerland Joins NSA in Monitoring its Citizens

The Swiss have now introduced the Enlightenment Intelligence Agencies Act which expands the powers of government to secretly track citizens, tap phones, and to do so even if the person is not actually charged with or suspected of a crime. One by one, every country seems to be turning to Stalinist type tactics and are […]

USA Premier – A Surprise Event – LA & NYC in just weeks

There has been a surprise  turn of events. A distributor has stepped forward for the United States. The film will make its Oscar Run first with a showing for 3 screenings per day for 7 days. The dates will be: March 27th at the  Laemmle Music Hall 3 in LA located at 9036 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, […]

US Vows No Default over Debt Ceiling Debate

  QUESTION: Marty, will there by a spike high in US sovereign debt or just a low in rates overall? It also is starting to appear your influence is everywhere. Now a lot of people are clearly referring to this as a debt bubble. The media does not quote you, but it looks like a […]

Symmetry Ukraine and Vladimir regarding Russia

We are reminded from a Russian reader regarding symmetry that the founder of Russia was Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great (c. 958 – 15 July 1015) and hence today we have Vladimir Putin. The symmetry is even a bit deeper than just that the first names match. Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great prince of Novgorod, grand prince of Kiev, and ruler of Kievan Rus’ […]

Greece Wants to Use Tourists as Tax Spies – Just Amazing

The Greek government wants to use students, domestic workers and even tourists as spies, to report on the tax affairs of Greeks. The spies should be covered with video and audio devices. Training and equipment are to be paid by the other euro countries.Tourists who are planning a vacation in Greece and do not want […]

Italy Breaks with USA & Turns to Russia

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has invited during his visit to Moscow President Vladimir Putin to Milan. Putin was delighted and Italy has offered a privileged partnership. Italy is apparently unwilling to accept the EU sanctions to their own detriment. The Obama and UK led sanctions have hurt European farmers in particular. Playing politics at the cost […]

Two Ukrainian Banks Fail since March 1st

Two Ukrainian banks in the Delta Bank Group have been declared by the central bank in Kiev insolvent. Previously, the Delta Bank was declared bankrupt. Germany and France want to build the Ukrainian banking sector once again. It is unclear how much will incur additional cost European taxpayers. There is no confidence in the system or the government […]