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Market Talk — January 20, 2016

Well, today was fun! Asia suffered from the start with heavy selling across the board. Both the Nikkei and HSI closed down almost 4% with Shanghai losing just 1%. Most blamed the IMF down-sizing its growth forecast (from 3.6 to 3.4%) but obviously, the oil price is never far from everyone lips. With WTI closing […]

Market Talk — January 19, 2016

Overnight the Chinese data that the whole market was waiting for actually missed on the estimate (forecast was 6.9 but actual came in at 6.8) but all was forgiven after the PBOC injected more liquidity combined with rumours of additional supporting measures! The Shanghai Index loved the move and returned a 3% daily push. In […]

Market Talk — January 18, 2016

The opening in Asia was the main discussion point for most dealers today. Oil hitting its lowest price ($27.65) since 2003, the Nikkei trading down 2% in the first 30 minutes of trading, and the Chinese raising the off-shore yuan all helped to spook markets. However, finally the fears were short-lived, and by close the […]

Can Mathematicians Forecast Markets?

QUESTION: Greetings Mr Armstrong and thank you for your excellent blog! I have recently started reading Benoit Mandelbrot’s The Misbehaviour of Markets in which he states that stock prices probably isn’t predictable in any useful sense of the term (p. 6). I recall that you have stated that stock prices can be predicted but not […]

Let The Bail-Ins Begin

Portugal is starting to bail-in banks. The fascinating aspect that nobody seems to see is that this is a total failure of socialism. The U.S. Federal Reserve was formed in 1913, with the shareholders being the banks, to provide the cash needed to prevent bank failures. To stimulate the economy when the banks could not […]

Market Talk – January 15th, 2016

We did NOT elect  the Weekly Bearish today in the Dow Jones Industrial Japan tried to hold overnight gains but by the time the rest of the Asian markets opened it was too late and the selling pressure just increased with time. Nikkei closed down 94 points (-0.5%) but the futures quote dropped an additional […]

Market Talk — January 14, 2016

There was a time when a 2% price swing used to be something to write about! Asia returned a mixed session with the Nikkei (-2.6%) handing back most of yesterday’s gains. The Shanghai (+2%) recovered late in afternoon trading and finally the HSI (-0.56%) was way off of the opening lows. Early data in Japan […]

Gold – No Time Left for Conspiracy Theories

To some, this is a religious battle. To others, it is just a time to rip off a lot of people by selling fantasies and sophistry. I have stated this many times, so here it goes again: Gold rises when people lose confidence in government. It has nothing to do with inflation. So, you start […]

The Coming European Revoluition

I have warned that 2017 will be the political year from hell. What I am illustrating here is the link between a sovereign debt crisis and the Revolutionary Cycle. In 1933, Roosevelt came to power in the USA and turned the country toward socialism. That same year, 1933, brought Hitler and Mao to power. So 1934 […]

Market Talk — January 11, 2016

With Japan closed (Coming of Age Day) we were forced, yet again, to watch the excitement unfold on the Chinese exchange. Most of the talk was on the foreign exchange market where the off-shore currency quote (CNH) saw a huge jump (940bp) on the Hong Kong overnight quote to a 6.5850 (last seen +1.5% against […]