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Finland Fines man $60,000 for Speeding

Finland now joins Switzerland as the most abusive monetary schemes against their own people. Clearly, Finland is not a place to rent a car or visit on vacation. In Switzerland, they have cameras everywhere and they will give you a ticket for 1km over the limit. They are extremely PRECISE in their fines. But Switzerland […]

CONFUSED about the DOW

QUESTION:  Is your computer saying the DJIA will crash around 2015.75 ? ANSWER: All will be revealed soon enough. There may be an initial correction, the FALSE MOVE, but there does not appear to be any major crash. Near-term, the Dow is still contained.  So no real blast to the upside. We really are working […]

Manipulations v Systemic Manipulation

  COMMENT: Marty, I see now what you are talking about. These gold promoters always pitch inflation and then claim when they are wrong the market is rigged with perpetual manipulation. You are correct. How can you preach put everything into metals and then say the metals cannot rise because of manipulation? This really seems […]

Germany Threatens Greece with Bankruptcy? Should be Other Way Around.

 has German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has threatened Greece with the state bankruptcy if Athens did not serve its debt with the ECB and the IMF. Greek Finance Varoufakis said they would like to pay, but would not have the money. He therefore wants to negotiate with the ECB on a haircut.In this case, billions would be lost to […]

Cyclical Symmetry

I have written before how strange symmetry seems to unfold with the names like the last Roman Emperor having the founder Romulus and the first Emperor Augustus. The same in Byzantium and even the forecasts for Popes. I have explained that it made perfect sense that the first Sovereign Default should be Greece for that […]

Analysis – NEVER Give Up

QUESTION: Hi Marty,   The unbelievable amounts of research you have done and the knowledge you impart on your blog is just amazing, and is what inspired me to start trying to analyse markets and make forecasts of my own. Your personal grasp of the big picture and the computer system you have subsequently designed […]

Cyclical – Techical – Fundamental Analysis

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it really possible to combine all three forms of analysis in a coherent manner that is consistent? ANSWER: No. Anyone claiming this can be achieved really has no experience and is more likely than not a snake-oil salesman. The vast array of fundamentals that are taking place simultaneously can never […]

US Share Market Outlook

  The US share market compared to the DAX is lagging. We can see our Energy models have been declining as we have pressed begrudgingly higher. The Oscillators, more commonly used, are crawling at the highs. While we still see the potential for new highs here in March, the lack of a spike high on […]

Real Estate – To Buy or Not To Buy – That is the Question

Two questions about real estate have been asked by many people: 1. Do you think it is wise now to buy a house and get hooked on a mortgage knowing that 2015.75 is around the corner? 2. Do you think residential real estate valuations and interest rates will collapse on the other side of 2015.75 […]

The Political Cycle of Russia

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have perhaps the most educational site on the web for those of us trying to figure out the economy. I appreciate your unbiased perspective and your view of how it has always been the government against the people. You are the only person in the West who has ever bothered to […]