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Smart Investors Fleeing Municipal Bond Markets

Investors are smarter than the fund managers on many occasions. They have been bailing out of the municipal bond markets for the last year. This is one of our strongest recommendations for far more cities will be going bankrupt after 2015.75 not just in the USA, but in Europe. Sell while you can and that […]

Yanukovych is in Moscow Hospital

The information we had that Yanukovych suffered a heart attack appears to have been correct. Several reports are coming in that he survived, but is now in a Moscow hospital. This makes perfect sense because he suffered that on March 3rd the night before Russia’s ultimatum and the next day Putin strangely backed-off. The timing […]

Texas & UKraine

QUESTION: Martin, I would be curious about your thoughts of the following resolution below. Note that the goal of this resolution is neither to sue the government nor to repeal ObamaCare.  It is simply for Texas to “not participate” with ObamaCare. Of course, the President would say Texas doesn’t have the right to “opt out”, but what […]

Russia Wants IMF to Propose Solutions not USA for Ukraine – Here Comes World War III

The confrontation between the USA and Russia over Ukraine is turning into a pissing match. Russia wants the IMF to do the reforms without the USA sources. While this is a political blow, it is a stupid move for the IMF is a total disaster. Yet then again, Russia may be banking on the fact […]

Obama uses the Same Nonsense as Putin

We are still awaiting panic cycles at the end of the month so this is not over until the fat lady sings as they say, albeit we do not expect military action between any major powers before the October/November time period. For Obama to claim that a public vote in Crimea would violate the Constitution […]

Historical Perspective is Critical

People believe WAY TOO MUCH about what politicians have to say. There is a guidebook even I could write on what to say to justify a predetermined action. The oldest excuse in the book is to invade another country to PROTECT your own citizens living there. I am not criticizing Putin here for our Russian […]

Ukraine – the Truth

I seem to be well read around the globe. If there is one position I am consistent on is that I have NEVER met with any government that is honest or for the people regardless of its declared stance – it is always about their own self-interest. Governments, of every variety, are only interested in […]

Israel Changes Military Service to Include Religious

For years, everyone had to go into the military at 18 male or female. However, the Orthodox Jews were exempt. Israeli is responding to what is coming as Putin tries to rebuild the Soviet Empire. He personally still see the world in empires based upon territory rather than productivity. Japan had nothing close to the […]

China Supports Russia – Former Countries of the Soviet Block in Crisis Many Believe they are Next

China has come out in support of Russia. This is the real cost of the NSA. Spying on  everything has cost America its respect and its allies. Obama is a lawyer, clearly not a political strategist nor a historian. If you are married and distrust your spouse to the point you monitor them, listen into […]

Russia Demands Ukraine Surrender by Dawn in Crimea

Russia is characterizing this event using the bullshit people have posted claiming this was a CIA plot and says anyone who is seeking to defend Ukraine is a threat to the civilian population calling them “ultra-nationalists”. They have delivered an ultimatum that they surrender by dawn in Crimea or Russia will attack. This many people is […]