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What Makes me Tick? Good Question!

QUESTION: Martin, I’d like to ask you a somewhat personal question if you don’t mind (and I’m sure many readers would be interested too). The vast majority of people that seek your advice, based on your work, I’m sure are looking to make or save money; that’s all their interested in with you. I too […]

How FATCA is Destroying the World Economy & Americans

The horror stories from Americans around the world are just unbelievable. The IRS and FATCA are hunting people everywhere. This is part of the Decline & Fall of the United States. Whenever a government turns against its own people for taxes to sustain its life, the end is never far behind. This is part of […]

The Forecaster Movie – The Bankers & Russia

  At the Amsterdam debut of the Forecaster, a rather high up person from Russia Attended. After watching the film, he was in shock. He said this has to be shown in Moscow. It deals with one of the most talked about topics in Russia back in the day. The film will debut in Russia. I […]

Setting the Stage for the One World Currency

We can start to see how the one-world currency comes into play with BIG BANG. The more these governments try to manipulate the outcome of the free markets, the worse everything becomes. I met with members of the board in charge of the Swiss/Euro Peg just before the Berlin Conference. I explained that no peg […]

There is Nothing New under the Sun – It all Repeats

The swastika has an broad history that extends back at least 5,000 years before Adolf Hitler designed the Nazi flag. The word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being.” The motif even appears to have first been used in Neolithic Eurasia, perhaps representing the movement of the sun through the sky. Even currently, […]

Plagiarism Risks Everything

  COMMENT: Marty, it is amazing that you seem to be the major source for trends and ideas. You may be the most plagiarized analyst or forecaster in history. You come out and say there will be an economic downturn from October and heads of states start saying this like David Cameron. Then you write […]

Brussels Says Democratic Elections Mean Nothing

  Nigel Farage reveals the stark un-Democratic European Union that rejects the right of the people to ever vote against them right on the floor of Parliament in Brussels. The comments coming out of Brussels are simply outrageous. They only see their own power and they know best when in fact they are destroying Europe […]

Pensions & BIG BANG

  While I am a supporter of  MATT TAIBBI at the Rolling Stone, his take on the Pension Crisis is really off the mark. Taibbi focuses on the fees being paid to hedge funds as robbing state worker pension funds. What he fails to address is that the taxes are rising on the Middle Class to pay […]

The HSBC Scandal – How NYC Protects the Bankers

One of the most interesting aspects of my case was the astonishing claim by Republic/HSBC that $1 billion was missing and they had no possible idea of where it went. They used that statement to seize Princeton Economics and just accepted whatever the bank said as gospel. When I appeared at the debut of the […]

Details of the 2015 World Economic Conference

 Total Cost $2500 per seat This year’s conference will be really the culmination of years of work. We have been able over the years to see what is coming. Well now – it is here. This is the Big Bang. The bubble is in government, not the Private Sector. This is when it takes courage […]