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Ukrainian Disneyland – Why Any Former Politician is No Longer Respected

The most interesting aspect of the Ukrainian Revolution is the total rejection of anyone who was a former politician. They have told both former Prime Ministers – thanks but no thanks. After the decadent display of wealth hidden off in Viktor Yanukovych’s estate, nobody is welcome who was ever a politician given the number that […]

Yanukovych Captured?

Anyone who claims that what took place in Ukraine had nothing to do with corruption simply believes propaganda and refuses to listen to reality. Yanukovych fled but he could not make it to an airport. It appears he went to Crimea and was trying to board a ship. According to reports we are getting from inside […]

Resentment inside USA & Power Play Between USA & Russia

My statement that there is no deep resentment in USA was in reference to Germany and Japan. Yes there is still deep seeded resentment internally between the South and the North to this day and the Bible Belt v Democrats. That is internal issues that is quite different from hundreds of years of resentment between […]

Is Ukraine Home Free? Will Putin Let it Go?

Russian President Vladimir Putin has now been placed in a very difficult position. As the protesters in Ukraine gathered the support of the police against the mercenaries, they turned the tide of politics for the moment. Putin’s Sochi Olympic moment has been overshadowed by the bloody mess in neighboring Ukraine thanks to the insanity of […]

The Rising Global Unrest – Collapse in Marxism & Republics

  For months now, protesters have been gathering in many capital cities of developing nations such as Turkey, Ukraine, Thailand, Venezuela, Malaysia, and Cambodia, among others. These demonstrations are part of the rise in tension that our model warns will spread. This is the collapse of “socialism” as I put it for there is a […]

Ukraine & the Need to Always Blame Someone & Gov’ts are All the Same – Wake Up

I believe that there is some sort of need for God-like attribution that causes people to always seek to blame someone for their mistakes. Galina Vasilyevna Starovoitova (Russian: Гали́на Васи́льевна Старово́йтова)(1946-1998) was a Russian politician and ethnographer known for her work to protect ethnic minorities and promote democratic reforms in Russia. St. Petersburg has always been […]

Ukraine – the Bottom Line

If we removed all of the political rhetoric from both sides and reduce Ukraine to the fundamental issues, we will see the common economic denominator is emerging in Turkey, Southern Europe, and over in Asia. There is no conflict between Russia and the United States in all of these places. Those who like to point […]

Freedom of the Press has been under Assault in USA

Anyone who thinks that we have a free press in the United States just does not understand what is going on. It has been called the Obama Crackdown on the media. Obama has been anti-press perhaps more than any president. On top of this, we have journalists controlled by their editors. Trying to get at […]

As Kiev Burns – Just the Beginning

Some people keep insisting that the events in Ukraine are caused by secret intervention from the West and in the process they are missing the importance of the trend. You can intervene all you want, but if the people are fat and happy – nothing but nothing will take place. Ukraine peaked really in 2000 […]

Yanukovych Opens Fire of Civilians – the Trump Card is Always War

Yanukovych will go down in history as a ruthless criminal. He has effectively ordered the massacre of civilians. Gun shots filled Independence Square and now more than 100 protesters have been murdered according to their reports. All out civil war is in motion and I fear that with this War Cycle turning up here in […]