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Where Can We Flee to This Time?

One question a lot of people ask – where can we go this time? America was the place people fled to from Europe and the economic abuses. This is why the American people were such isolationists for World War I and II distinct and apart from its politicians. The politicians did everything to get Americans […]

Australian Police Hiding in Woods to Catch Speeders

Australian police are really waging war against the public to raise money for government to fund their own salaries. They are Camouflaged hiding in the woods to catch speeders on the Geelong Ring Road. This is becoming a international sport – hunt down the people and shake-em down for whatever you can get. Nonetheless, nothing beats […]

Beware the Turning Point for Bonds – 2015.75

QUESTION: Marty Hi I attended your conference in Berlin which was a great insight into your works. However it still took me time to really understand what you have been writing as you foretold of what will happen with Gold. Whilst I took note I did not act and have had the best learning experience there […]

Spain – Mass Left Rally for Change & Debt Default

I have warned that when the economic crisis hits, the tree has been cut. However, it can just as easily fall to the left as it can to the right. Do we end up with FREEDOM or SERVITUDE? During 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany, Roosevelt in the USA, and Mao in China. Those who focus closely on […]

Swiss Franc Mortgages Blowing Up Everywhere

It is just amazing how we never learn. During the 1980s, I was dealing with Australians who were sold Swiss mortgages to interest. Boy – the losses I had to bailout. Well, history constantly repeats. Now Hundreds of people have protested in Romania against high repayments for Swiss franc loans, blaming the banks for offering […]

German court Rules that Men can Urinate while Standing

Well Chalk one-up for men who finally won something. The German court ruled that men actually have a right to stand while urinating. Just amazing. Perhaps once in a while judges can make a rational decision – of course it wasn’t in New York City. Believe it or not, there are places in Europe that outlaw […]

Lack of a Free press

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have noticed that not merely Sundance refused to show your movie, but with all your amazing forecasts, one would think the Wall Street Journal, Barrons, New York Times, Washington Post, and Bloomberg, would be pounding on your door for an interview. You would imagine they would write about what your computer […]

Sundance Refused to Show the film FORECASTER

  The FORECASTER will NOT be shown at the Sundance Film Festival to answer the emails. Sundance refused to show the film based upon information and belief from reliable sources despite getting good reviews even in Hollywood. So you can speculate why. Probably the same source that tried to have the trailer removed from YouTube, controls […]

One World Reserve Currency

QUESTION: Martin, I must take issue to the answer you gave on Jan 19th to the crypto currency and one world currency question. Mainly the first sentence. You said “ A one world currency seems to be the only POLITICAL solution”. I see that you highlighted the world political. Can you please explain your reasoning […]

2015 Conferences

QUESTION: I was at the Philly conference was outstanding ! Any plans for trading conferences this year ? Also would you have a recommended reading list ? I have read everything you have written twice ! Best J ANSWER: We will be doing a seminar. Most likely in Europe and in Princeton. Perhaps by June. I have to […]