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The Insanity of the Housing Market

QUESTION: Marty, What is the answer to affordable home ownership? Here in Australia the tax incentive called negative gearing introduced during Paul Keating’s reign – to make rents cheaper has not really made rents cheaper and has caused residential property to be out of reach for young people. It is a divisive issue as ‘investment’ […]

UBER Drivers Destroying Their Own Jobs in Court Battle

The UBER case in the Ninth Circuit (California) demonstrates that drivers’ are blinded by greed and cannot see that they are altering the entire basis of UBER. They risk putting the company out of business. Drivers who sued UBER contend they are employees and should be reimbursed for expenses, including gas and vehicle maintenance. The judge is allowing them to […]

Clintons' Gift to Bankers Made Student Loans the ONLY Exception to Bankruptcy Alongside Taxes

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Since watching ‘The Forecaster’ I read your blog daily: thank you for all you have done to make sense out of the current phase of the economic cycle we are in.  Some call it the fourth turning or winter and it helps to see the bigger picture. About the loans: how […]

What Is Said Publicly & Privately Differ – Here Comes 2017

QUESTION: Marty, you know which bank I am at. You also know the Fed has been going around warning banks that their models are wrong and they will not see a flight to quality being the 30 year bonds. Yet Yellen seems to also say she does not believe in inevitable cycles. They are saying […]

Gold Update

Gold for year-end has a number of 1044.50 if we close BELOW this next Wednesday on December 31. If we close ABOVE this number, it will not provide a buy signal nor will it avoid a sell signal. The only sell signal is way down at $680. A close beneath 1044.50 will suggest short-term immediate weakness, whereas […]

The Euro Year-End Closing Below 116.40

A simple year-end closing below 116.40 in the euro confirms that a broader correction is in motion; the earliest potential low is in 2018 with the potential to extend into 2021. A closing ABOVE 105.03 will suggest a brief pause, and 103.00 will be absolutely critical to support next year. Major overhead resistance will be extremely strong […]

Evil People in High Places? Or Just Coincidence?

Dick Cheney is best known for being the head of Halliburton who then became Vice President. Cheney moved his office directly in the White House and ran the government as the former “shadow president” because Bush, Jr. couldn’t even figure out he was holding a book upside down. Cheney started the Iraq War and made sure Halliburton ran the […]

Reports Available AFTER January 1

  Our reports that were provided to conference attendees will be available for sale to the general public AFTER January 1. We apologize, but doing business going into year-end just causes too many tax problems. So with a new year, we will be ready to sell reports. The taxman makes it way too hard to do […]

Why is a Strong Dollar Bearish for the U.S. Economy Long-Term?

QUESTION: Martin, I’m curious to your comment “The greatest danger to America will be a strong dollar”.   Why is that?    I’m trying to take a global view of this statement but I can’t wrap my head around it.   It would seem that those in the United States would benefit  greatly from a stronger US dollar as the […]

Market Talk December 23rd, 2015

A definite Christmas theme today with most markets meandering into the festive season. Japan was closed for annual holiday (Emperor’s Birthday) and many markets were on half-day (Hong Kong, Singapore, Philippines and Australia). The PBOC set mid-point for the Yuan at 6.4731 but saw the market push it to 6.478 (don’t forget the range can […]