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Ukraine – The Funding Begins – Gun Shots Starting in Kiev

For months before the proposed alignment with the EU, there were signs all over Ukraine pro and con about joining Europe that was a campaign in part funded by the EU to sell the idea to Ukraine. This funding has been CONFUSED with the funding for the “rebels” to engage in revolution that Putin calls […]

US Economy Still Rising into 2015.75

Consumer debt rose the most in 6 years during the last quarter. Everything is pointing to a continued rally in the USA contrary to Europe and China no less Japan. Retails sales were outstanding for Christmas in the USA as they were in London. Everything still appears of track.

Home Land Security wants National License Plate Tracking

These people are trashing everything to do with the Constitution and there is nothing we can do about it when Congress are not real people but career drones who rubber stamp whatever the Bureaucracy desires. The latest proposal is to track all cars nationally. They will know where you are and where you have been […]

Ukraine – From the Otherside’s View

COMMENT:  Sorry, Mr. Armstrong, what you wrote about Ukraine is not the Truth at all, it’s just YOUR truth , and/or that of your contributors. Living in Europe, we know very well EU is totally against the people : many people here think this (we are less and less influenced by the lined up media, […]

Ukraine the Truth

QUESTION:  Hi Martin,  can you please enlighten us on the damned truth.  Do half of the people in Ukraine want the Eu, and the other half want Russia or, is this really a protest against government corruption or, both?   Thanks ANSWER: Russia wants to portray this as a coup organized by the USA, Europe […]

US Dollar Holdings Rose in December to $5794.9 billion

Chinese holdings of US Treasurys declined in December by a modest $48 billion. China’s holdings of dollars dropped from $1316.7 billion to $1268.9 billion. The US Treasury holdings by foreign entities increased in December, from $5716.9 billion to $5794.9 billion. This is still showing the rising trend on a global basis for the dollar. The US […]

Ukraine – ALL OUT WAR

  Ukraine is turning into an outright Civil War. The mercenaries have been attacking the protesters and the death-toll just keeps rising. We have people there on the ground and this is very disturbing to say the least. Kiev has been closed. You cannot get in nor get out. The war is spreading beyond the […]

Ukraine Mercenaries Attack Protesters Killing at Least 5

Ukrainian riot police who are basically mercenaries attacked the protesters and at least 5 are dead. The 12-week-old protests against President Viktor Yanukovich are coming to an end as the ruthless Yanukovich demonstrates to the world he will kill his own people to retain power. There is no democratic Ukraine. The attack came after Moscow […]

Anti-Semitic and Pro-Nazi Activities Rising

I have warned that the entire movement against the Jews that began in Germany stemmed from the banking issues. The refusal of the US government to criminally hold the NY bankers accountable has a very dangerous aspect that is leading to once more a rising trend of anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi activities outside the USA as they […]

The Model & The Dogs or War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your cycle of war seems to be truly amazing. It was a fascinating read. My question is this. I also understand that 911 took place precisely on the day of your model. Besides your cycle of war predicting World War I and II to the day, has your Pi conjunction that targeted […]