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Treading Water

We see the potential here for a 5 months CONSOLIDATION (treading water) – not a 5 months collapse. That means no sustainable breakout just yet – just base building. The key support begins at the 16300 on the Dow. We need to see the capital concentrate in bonds to create a major bond bubble like […]

Socrates Progress Report

  We have made a lot of progress porting over the programs to function via the Internet. The voice will be operating and we are putting the finishing touches on the trading systems. You will be able to see the hypothetical system trading record  on anything with the current position and its objectives with its […]

EU Manipulating the Press to Deny People the Truth

The EU Commission has a new directive. Advertise in newspapers and media who ONLY tell the government’s side of the story. Guess they won’t be advertising on this site – lol. The EU is now bribing the press in Europe spending 13.45 million euros to boost their image. Any media that carries this campaign you […]

Empire v Mere State

  QUESTION: Marty, your insight into the failure of Austrian and Keynesian economics was really eye opening. At your conference you said that Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand applied internationally not just domestically. I believe I have reached the level of understanding you have been teaching us. It is indeed global and clearly everything is connected. […]

Austrian Economics v Keynesian Economics

QUESTION: 2014 should not have happened, but it did. There’s no way to sugarcoat it: the gold bugs were wrong, Austrian economics was wrong, and the Keynesians were right. And now the sound money community is left trying to figure out what it missed and, crucially, whether the problem was merely one of timing or of […]

Belarus Imposes Price Controls as Ruble Falls

The crisis in the Ruble is of course being portrayed as a Western plot to destroy Russia. The Council of Ministers of Belarus has issued a directive imposing an indefinite moratorium on raising consumer prices in the country. What is unfolding before our eyes is the end of Marxism – society is just too dumb […]

Prima Noctum (jus primae noctis) (First Night) = Modern Day Marriage License

A few people have asked what is my source for Prima Noctum since Wikipedia claims it is a myth. Sorry, but Wikipedia is seriously wrong in this department for the problem in their research is the classic error in politics – research not the act but the right. They have concluded it must be a […]

Hollywood Review of the Movie – THE FORECASTER

  The first reviews of the movie The Forecaster are now out. So far they have been positive. Some have pointed out that the government refused to respond leaving this a one-sided documentary. I have written to the Justice Department offering I would not sue them if they (1) admitted that the banks lied to […]

Obama to Sign More Sanctions on Russia

President Barack Obama intends to sign a bill that would hammer even new sanctions on Russia and provide weapons to Ukraine. The legislation would impose sanctions on Russian defense companies tied to unrest in Ukraine. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama “does intend to sign” the bill despite some concerns about the legislation. Separately, […]

Germany Ready to Destroy Its Economy Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Germany’s Constitutional Court will rule on a major tax case that could devastate German business owners. There was no estate tax in Germany so businesses could pass from one generation to the next intact. That may all come to an end tomorrow. The country’s constitutional court will decide whether families can continue to transfer companies […]