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Bank of Italy Bails Out Four Banks

The European banking crisis is brewing. Last month alone, the Bank of Italy poured €3.6 billion euros into Banca Marche, Banca Etruria (PEL.MI), CariChieti, and CariFeto to prevent their collapse. The money was funded by financing from healthy banks. This is precisely how the banking crisis began in Austria back in 1931. They took a […]

Comment from Western Australia

COMMENT:  MA,  OH things are bad out West.. the commodity downturn – oil and gas, basic metals – Iron ore Copper etc…and the housing market is the worst there OF all the Australian states :arrears and non performing past 90days is around 4% on owner occupied residential …El’nineo has screwed the current (and looking like […]

Democrats Trying to Suppress Sanders

The Democrats are just as dirty as the Republicans. Both parties try their utmost to defeat democratic processes at every stage of the game. Sanders has been cut off from accessing the Democrat’s voter database. Hillary is claiming that her proprietary data was hacked by Sanders. She would NEVER admit that her own private server […]

Commodity-Based Countries to Liquidate Wealth Funds & Gold

QUESTION: Marty, at the Berlin cocktail party you said we may yet see gold sales from oil producing countries if oil breaks your yearly number of $35 for year end and gold closes below 1044 or so I think. You said gold could then reach that $——- level you mentioned in the conference. It looks […]

Market Talk — December 18, 2015

It was not just the large/last option expiry, but also the Friday before Christmas (the biggest party night of the year) when the Bank of Japan supplied an early headache to the markets as they announced additional QE — despite leaving rates unchanged. We heard of two major announcements this morning, one being an extension […]

Investor Level Service

The Investor level of Socrates is now available! For the low price of $10, users may sign up for a 30-day trial to familiarize themselves with the site. After that time, users will have the option to sign up for an annual subscription in the region(s) of their choice for $150 per region. The three […]

Gold Into the Abyss?

QUESTION: Marty, thank you for the conference. I have made more than 10 times the seat price just on your top couple of trades. I see the world differently now for the first time. My question is on Gold. You said it will move down and that the big risk is the first quarter. It […]

EU Using the Refugees to Federalize Europe

Europe is failing. They have been pressing down upon the neck of Europe with more undemocratic authoritarian measures to maintain their jobs in Brussels. What Hitler and Napoleon could not accomplish, the EU Parliament has done with lies and stealthy maneuvers behind the curtain with the support of the press. When 2017 arrives, this will […]

Market Talk — December 17, 2015

Asia roared-on after all the fun and games in the U.S. with the Nikkei and Shanghai indices closing up close to 2%. Mid-price in yuan was fixed even lower (by the PBoC) at 6.4757; the yuan is allowed to trade within 2% of official fixing rate (previous 6.4626). Also worth mentioning here is the HKMA […]

The Agenda Behind Global Warming

There are those who claim that the UN is behind the global warming scam to create a one-world government. If we turn it down a notch and follow the money, we find a bogus agenda to raise taxes substantially in the name of the environment. I have reported that NOAA, the agency responsible for collecting […]