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Market Talk — December 16, 2015

An impressive performance overnight in Asia as we saw the Nikkei back above the 19k level with the 20k psychological target as the next barrier. Europe wanted to soldier on upwards but doing so ahead of the Fed’s announcement is a hesitant trading period. Most dealers were on hold, awaiting this evening’s announcement, and although […]

Financial Instability & the Fed

The argument that the Fed should do nothing because it will be harder to correct a rate rise than to do nothing because there is no bubble anywhere, demonstrates that we have the most serious BUBBLE in history. Retail participation in markets is still off by 50% from 2007 highs. People have invested in fixed income and […]

Market Talk – December 15th, 2015

All Asian markets failed to show positive signs but it was the Nikkei that was probably more of a concern, having rejected the 19k figure despite a strong open and morning session it eventually closed -1.65%. Core Europe saw a strong day with all Indices going from strength to strength. We saw UK inflation data […]

My Cyclical Approach

QUESTION:  Marty, I just watched ‘The Forecaster’ on demand, I just wanted to say it was an exceptional movie. I really enjoyed seeing your story played out, and following your journey to the discovery of pi in economic cycles. As an avid trader myself, although not nearly as successful as you [yet, hopefully!], I’m always […]

Market Talk – December 14, 2015

A mixed session in Asia in what was very much an overhang from Friday’s session but also very weary of the Fed in two days time. It is interesting that European equities continue to trade heavy (DAX, CAC, FTSE -1.75%) into the Fed, despite Mario Draghi’s comment earlier this morning. There are rising concerns about […]

Are Negative Rates Fueling Deflation?

Those in power never understand markets. They are very myopic in their view of the world. The assumption that lowering interest rates will “stimulate” the economy has NEVER worked, not even once. Nevertheless, they assume they can manipulate society in the Marxist-Keynesian ideal world, but what if they are wrong? By lowering interest rates, they ASSUME they will encourage […]

Is Trump's Ban on Islam a Normal Reaction?

Armstrong Economics/PEI has always been a very diverse company with clients and staff from all around the world. We have every race, religion, and social status among our ranks servicing clients of equal diversification. So, a ban on anyone from the Islamic faith entering the USA is not something I would support, obviously, and it […]

Politics: It's Not What You Think

  COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong,I just was looking at your blog entry about the Republican higher-ups choosing their candidate against the voters.I always tell people this story when something like that comes up. I was a Ron Paul supporter back the last time he was running. I lived in Massachusetts, a little north of Boston. […]

Market Talk – December 11, 2015

Asia managed a mixed session torn between the falling oil price and the Dow’s rally. Europe was very sure what should happen when oil was hit again this morning. WTI and Brent fell another 1.5% on the back of an earlier report from the IEA (International Energy Agency) and they are forecasting a slack in 2016 based […]

One Reason Not to Vote Republican

The political elites do not like Trump or ANY outsider. Now, top Republican Party officials are actually discussing the possibility of a brokered convention — a DICTATORSHIP — where the choice of the people will have no input. Since Trump is leading in double digits against all career politicians, the only way for Washington and the press to maintain their power […]