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The Emerging Market Crisis

The fourth quarter real estate in Singapore turned down showing that the whole Emerging Markets did tend to peak out with the ECM last August. This has led to a flight of investors from the once-booming emerging markets sector that is similar to the shift in what we began to see in 1994 that manifested […]

Nigel Farage Tells it Like it Is.

Nigel Farage tells it like it is – Europe is by no means a democracy – it’s run by big banks, big business, and big bureaucrats. There is no actual democratic movement. The EU Commission has no problem removing any politician who dares to stand up against them. Yes, I accept cookies and get the […]

Gold & The Cycles

A number of questions have come in from is the Cycle Inversion negating the low in 2014  Or is verdict still out? There is nothing yet that suggests the low is in place. Corrections are 2 to 3 units of time and that means a max of 3 years from the intraday high in 2011 gives […]

The Collapse of Socialism Driven by Political Corruption

The rise is Civil Unrest is precisely on time and it is being driven by economic decline in the standard of living and the opportunity to even survive thanks to socialism. Government is simply incapable of ever doing anything right or actually doing anything for society other than fill their pockets for self-interest. In Europe, […]

Ukraine – More than 100,000 taking to the streets

The protest in Ukraine are getting really out of hand. Even the Russians have now said this is too much. Over 100,000 people have responded with violence as the President ignores the people and the corruption is simply our of control. This is turning into war on the city streets. Here is a video from […]

You have no Idea – Is Technology Capable of Reading Minds?

To some, they think the NSA is perfectly fine for they respond – I have nothing to hide. However, what if it were not just emails and SMS they intercept, but your thought? Would you still feel the same way? What these people fail to grasp is you cannot hide anything – even your thoughts! […]

Thailand & Ukraine – The Common Link

    Behind the Headlines for both Thailand and Ukraine, the mainstream press has ONLY given one side of the story. In the case of Thailand, this paint it only as the rural poor against the rich and in Ukraine they paint it as purely the youth upside for not joining Europe. The other dimension […]

Political Change is in the Wind – Welcome 2014-2016

Nigel Farage’s EuroSkeptic Party has emerged as the NUMBER ONE party in Britain. This is right in line with our models and Britain tends to be 2 years ahead of the USA. This was evidenced even during the Great Depression where Britain bottomed 2 years ahead of the USA when it abandoned the Gold Standard […]

Dow Coming Phase Transition – Bull Market on Steroids?

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, I have been a fan since 1998 and want to understand the concept of phase transition. If the Dow in Euros continues in a bull market while the value of the Euro is falling, then with the capital flows from EU into the perceived safe haven of the Dow, the Dow in Dollars must therefore […]

Ukraine a Glimpse of what is to come?

The protests in Ukraine demonstrate how all governments respond. Even England went after kids trying to organize on Twitter. The governments monitor everything now to head-off protests. A 12-year old in England found that out the hard way. The US arrested a man for using Twitter to help protesters evade police. In Ukraine, after weeks […]