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The RSS Feed May Have Been Hacked – Visit the Site For Now

It is amazing that the RSS feed to this site has suddenly been changed and it now removes the name Armstrong Economics replacing it with Word Press. This is a clever trick that appears to have started on Sunday the 23rd one day after the Premier.  We suggest that people check the site directly for now. […]

Greek Police Abuse of Citizens as a Whole

  The more the economic conditions decline, the more abuse we see coming from those who work for the government in Greece. The Greek police send in battalions to hunt people they suspect may organize the people. This is not something that the public will tolerate passively much longer for it is starting to appear […]

The Movie – the Forecaster – It’s About the Manipulations That Have Plagued Society which will Shock the World

I am off to Amsterdam to attend the premier of the Forecaster. My detractors “assume” this is a movie about “me”. I have not even seen the final film. That is not what I agreed to. This is not a film about my life story. This is a film about the industry, market manipulations, political […]

Russia Threatens US with Nuclear War

  Russia has continually sent signals to these Western leaders that it can wage nuclear war. Russia keeps sending bombers into strategic places that can take out key cities in the USA and Europe. Even during the last NATO summit/Golf resort trip, two aircraft took off from an air base in western Russia, just east […]

Polish Pension Funds Seized by Government – Who is Next?

Poland seized private pension funds and have mandated those money to be invested in government bonds last February. Beware – this is coming to a theater near you. The Polish government seized $51bn of privately run pension funds and transferred them back into “state control” in a dramatic reversal of a reform that central and eastern European […]

Political Upheaval is Worldwide – Poland Next

In Poland, here too we see a political upset in the wind. The opposite party of Jaroslaw Kaczynski is in a position to overthrow the Prime Minister. Around the world, we are witnessing the same trend. Whoever is in power is being tossed out.   US Congress 1929 The Democrats lost huge this time. The […]

Italian Police Defuse Bomb Placed in Front of German Bank

The Italian police on Monday defused a bomb found outside a branch of Deutsche Bank, a German commercial bank, in Naples. The device, containing about a kilogram of explosives, had been primed to explode but failed to detonate, the ANSA news agency said, quoting police sources. A water cannon was used in the operation to make the device safe, ANSA said. It had […]


The FDIC Insurance was raised from $100,000 to $250,000 in this last crisis in the USA. Sorry old habit. I should also state, that the major banking crisis is in Europe – NOT the USA. However, the crisis we will face is created by the REPO market to some degree and wild trading Money Center […]

Time to Hide Under the Covers

The USA may not be as all-powerful as its tells its people or our politicians believe. For all the spying going on against American citizens to hunt them down for taxes intercepting all cell phone calls, the USA is vulnerable on many fronts. The Chinese have been able to compromise the US defense systems. Meanwhile, […]

A New World Order – The End of Oil?

  We have been getting a ton of questions regarding energy since oil has broken the key level of $75 we gave years ago. Yes, this was a serious crack that may indeed break the trend of energy long-term. For this reason, our Institutional Report on the industry will be made available for everyone since […]