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The Bank of England All but Admits Recession

The Bank of England (BoE) all but admitted the UK is officially in a recession. Bank Governor Andrew Bailey stated weeks ago that there was nothing the central bank could do to prevent a recession at this stage. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) voted to raise rates by half a percentage point to 2.25%, marking […]

Putin & October

  Despite all the propaganda that was put out by John McCain, Putin was selected by Yeltsin because he was being blackmailed on the one side by the oligarchs in July 1999 and the communists on the other who introduced a motion in the Duma to impeach him for corruption that was related to the […]

Late Queen Elizabeth II to be Removed from Currencies

As in late times, as rulers come and go, the currency changes to reflect the change of power. In ancient Rome, for example, they would announce the coming of a new emperor on the coinage. The Romans used the reverse of their coinage as newspapers announcing victory, great building projects as the opening of the […]

Money – Gold – Theories

QUESTION:  I’m a subscriber and I read you every day. Your weekend article 9/10/22 that a gold standard will not work as gold fluctuates just as Fiat currencies do. Then what in your opinion is the proper currency model, or can we just simply keep printing dollars endlessly because for now, we’re the least dirty […]

The World Economic Conference Nov 11-13, 2022 Orlando

The WEC this year may be back to normal. People are flying in from Europe and Asia and this will probably be a great reunion as many had been attending virtually. It will be good to see many old friends for there is nothing like face-to-face communication. The spirit of the old trading rooms was […]

Greece Rushes to Repay Debt as Rates Rise

As the European Central Bank (ECB) finally begins to raise rates, Greece is rushing to repay its outstanding debt. The failure to consolidate eurozone debt hurt the southern nation, whose debt spiked due to simple currency conversion. Greece remains the most indebted country in the EU. The country received its third bailout in 2018 and […]

The New World – Alternative Order

Well, the Goldbugs are out in force claiming that Putin is creating a Moscow World Standard for gold. These people will never learn that their dream of some fixed gold standard has always collapsed throughout history. They have never played in the big leagues and consequently, they do not even understand the rules of the […]

The Time of Separation of the USA is Rapidly Approaching

QUESTION: Marty, is Steve Bannon another pre-election ploy to put a spike in the heart of Republicans for the elections? ZB ANSWER: Of course. Claiming that you raised money and then did not disclose you were paying salaries is really stretching it. You can put every charity in prison for the very same thing. How […]

The Death of Queen Elizabeth II

The world’s longest-ruling monarch has passed away at the age of 96 at her Balmoral Castle home in Scotland. Queen Elizabeth II saw 15 prime ministers come and go. She ascended to the throne in the aftermath of World War II when Britain was in shambles. Her son Charles now sits on the throne. What […]

British Pound Falls to 37-Year Low

The Bank of England has admitted defeat, admitting they cannot prevent a recession. The pound fell to the lowest level against the USD on Wednesday afternoon after declining 0.64% to $1.145. When asked if the central bank could prevent the next recession, Governor Andrew Bailey was blunt in his answer. “Insofar as the war is […]