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Poland Confirms Nato Troops are in Ukraine

The West wants war DESPERATELY with Russia. The Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has come straight out and admitted on Friday, March 8th, that “NATO military personnel are already present in Ukraine.” They can’t wait to draw the first blood. Russia has NEVER had any intention of invading Europe. It has always been the other […]

Why Does Michigan Have More Voters than Eligible Citizens?

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has some explaining to do as it was revealed that 53 of her state’s 83 counties have more registered voters than eligible voting residents. An additional 23 counties have a “suspiciously high” voter registration rate of 90%, which is far higher than the national average. The Republican National Committee […]

Biden Proposes Largest Spending Package and American Taxpayer Burden in US History

The Biden Administration is outright destroying America through reckless spending. The Federal Reserve has warned that Biden’s current spending habits are robbing future generations of Americans. They cannot stablizie prices or make a dent in inflation due to the rising national debt. After his State of the Union address, Joe Biden unveiled his next spending […]


The Constitution doesn’t directly discuss presidential immunity from criminal or civil lawsuits or immunity for other government officials. Instead, this privilege of Presidential has developed over time through the Supreme Court’s interpretation of Article II, Section 2, Clause 3: The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess […]

Biden Apologizes for State of the Union Remark

President Joe Biden apologized for his remark during the State of the Union address; however, it was not for the reasons one would hope. At the urging of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Joe Biden reluctantly mentioned the case of Laken Riley, a nursing student who was murdered by an illegal migrant who was permitted into this […]

Defunded Police Agencies Vacant

Blue cities protested and set their own towns ablaze, demanding that their officials defund the police. They are now receiving what they thought they wanted. Pittsburgh’s police precents will no longer operate between 3 AM to 7 AM ET. While this sounds like the beginning plot of the movie, “The Purge,” as this is a […]

Answering Questions

QUESTION #1: What is your opinion of Trump’s statement regarding the COVID vaccine: “YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!”” JN ANSWER #1: I have a serious disagreement with Trump, and it bothers me that he has not expressed what so many now realize was wrong. […]

The Collapse of a Nation Takes 13 years

In law, it has been a maxim that bad facts make bad law. Every lawyer knows that. That is why the government will seek the worst case to expand the law and apply it to others. This legal maxim is certainly not new. All of those who go to law school are never taught that […]

The Neocon Super Pac

Conservative-appearing members of the establishment are seeking new solutions now that Nikki Haley has dropped out of the 2024 US Presidential race. Haley and her neocons within the establishment refuse to support Donald Trump as he is the most anti-war candidate out there. Liz Cheney has now created The Great Task, a super pac aimed […]

And Here Comes April/May 2024

  The Supreme Court has set April 25th as the oral argument for the decision on whether Trump has immunity. I do not know why events will always show up with our cycle targets. I have come to believe that the PRESSURE in the system compels actions to take place on these cyclical targets. Our […]