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Krystal Ball on Roe v. Wade and Political Manipulation

Krystal Ball provides a bipartisan view on the manipulation tactics that both Republicans and Democrats have been using throughout US history to gain votes. Remind the voters to hate the opposition who will turn their world into a dystopian nightmare — Vote for me and this time will be different! The reality is that most […]

Boris Johnson’s Stupidity – Who is the Only Statesman Standing?

  Russia TV called out Borris Johnson for threatening to launch nuclear weapons against Russia. As they aptly warned that Borris has simply lost his mind that the UK is a very small island and one long-range nuclear weapon will wipe out the UK from the face of the planet. They also point out that […]

The Insanity of Stupid People in Power Pushing for War – Rejecting Peace

UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has backed Liz Truss’ view that Russian forces must be pushed out of “the whole of Ukraine” – and suggested this should include Crimea. Even the Guardian has accused Liz Truss’ position is “recklessly inflaming Ukraine’s war to serve her own ambition.” Meanwhile, in Russia, this is playing out on TV endorsing […]

The Refusal to Understand Economics

Once upon a time, I use to respect The Economist. I even took the back cover in July 1985 to announce that the Economic Confidence Model was beginning a new 51.6-year Cycle that was a Private Wave that would ultimately peak in 2032. I boldly announced the bottom in gold and the peak in the […]

Fannie Mae Forecasts “Modest Recession” in 2023

Fannie Mae forecasts a “modest recession in the latter half of 2023” and believes the house-buying frenzy will begin to cool in the US. The Federal Reserve’s hawkish direction to curb inflation has led the agency to believe that a “soft landing” for the US economy is unlikely. “With the most recent inflation readings at […]

UFOs – Real or Fake?

QUESTION: I’m just curious. President Jimmy Carter said that he saw a UFO which was reported by the Associated Press in January 1978. There are countless reports of UFOs for decades. Some say they have been around for thousands of years. Does Socrates have any ability to confirm or deny such things? FG   ANSWER: […]

Smart Investor Article (English Translation Provided)

  I recently appeared on the cover of “Smart Investor” after being approached by journalist Ralph Malisch. Click here to read the full interview (German). The English translation is available below: Smart Investor talks to legendary cycle analyst Martin Armstrong about Corona, war and reshaping the world Smart Investor: Mr. Armstrong, in 2015, The Forecaster, […]

Climate Change the Tool of Control

QUESTION: Dear Martin, After reading many of your blog posts, there appears to be one question you might not have answered. Do the elitists who are trying to control the world truly believe climate change cycles are not natural, but instead are caused by humans? It would seem that any climate theory that doesn’t explain […]

Macron & the April 10th Election

On April 10, the election in France will take place, and Macron is ahead for now with 27% of the vote. But Macron has been using his position as the European Union bloc’s president for six months. Macron has cleverly used this position as a powerbase toward a reelection bid by not merely pushing for […]

Hope for Humanity

QUESTION: Is there any hope for the future? Between war, digital currency, authoritarianism, and financial collapse, it doesn’t seem like there is much hope for our children. Please let us know what Socrates says, is everyone doomed? Is there anywhere our children can go to escape this madness? B ANSWER: Yes! I know this can […]