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Time Magazine Joins the Questionable Journalists

QUESTION: Is there any validity to this latest pronouncement by Time Magazine that Trump should be impeached for the foreign-emoluments clause? ANSWER: This is up there with the whole issue Obama’s birth certificate, which went nowhere. The foreign-emoluments clause would have applied to Hillary because she was taking money from foreign governments directly via her pretend […]

Obama & Boehner Display their Acting Ability

This is what politics is all about. There is nothing real for they NEVER say what they really think. This reflects Hillary’s statement you have to have a private position and a public one. People think Trump is outrageous for some things he says. But you know what he really thinks. These rest of politicians […]

Is the Media Trying to Reestablish the Establishment? They say that knowledge is power. This is why the media has been engaging in outright propaganda and they hate Trump for he has been using Twitter to bypass the corrupt media. Chris Matthews actually spoke correctly on election night, although since he has said that Russia put its “finger on the scale” to […]

Unbelievable How Mainstream Media Has Become Just Liars

  Thomas Friedman of the New York Times demonstrates why mainstream media is just becoming so bought and paid for. You have to wonder if they should not be in prison for attempting to overthrow the government and start a revolution. Here he is still ranting about how Russia hacked the election and asserting that […]

Advocating the overthrow of Government is a Crime

The comedian Sarah Silverman, who spoke at the DNC National Convention for Hillary, tweeted that her 10 million followers should “wake up & join the resistance” to President Donald Trump. She said: “Once the military is w/us fascists get overthrown. Mad king & his handlers go bye bye.”  Silverman should be criminally indicted for that. […]

Democrats in Civil War Against Obama’s OFA?

Of course the brainwashed Democrats send in emails saying Obama is not behind the shenanigans of civil unrest. They just prefer to blame everyone but themselves and live in their little bubble world. They are totally unaware that the Democrats are themselves experiencing an internal civil war and it is the state level Democrats that […]

When Real News is Attacked by Government – The End is Near

The Deutsche-Wirtschafts-Nachrichten (DWN) has been under attack by politicians in Europe for reporting the truth. DWN editor Michael Maier has sent a sharp protest to the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker. The EU had accused DWN of spreading Russian propaganda with a fake report. Anyone who disagrees to the politics of the EU is […]

Should Independents Boycott Disney for Supporting ABC News that is just Leftist?

The press has really become a total disgrace. The press conference of Trump was fairly straight forward and he took questions from even some of the worst of the worst like CNN. The journalists will not stop. I watched the reviews of ABC news to see if George Stephanopoulos would be just neutral – no […]

Student Loan Petition to White House

REQUEST:  Dear Mr. Armstrong: I am trying to discharge student loan in the bankruptcy court, and it is very tough battle. I am in the situation that it is all out war with the U.S. Department of Education. I have been reading your blog for more than a year now and found that we have […]

Bill Clinton & Abraham Lincoln Were Elected with Less of the Popular Vote than Trump

Obama has clearly set up a shadow government and the Democrats are hell-bent upon obstructing everything and they intend to effectively overturn the Republicans. This is no longer politics as usual where we simply accept who is president and move on. The Democrats are fighting for their Marxist agenda and are intent upon subjugating the […]