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Understanding Inflation – Chicken or the Egg

QUESTION: Hi AE….think I finally get your message about money supply vs inflation. But aren’t we just dealing with a difference of semantics? If the gov’t prints endless amounts of currency, that HAS to. at some point, impact prices etc. which in turn, eventually leads to a collapse in confidence. (Savers can’t afford to buy […]

A Blue Wave is Bullish?

It seems very strange that Trump was seen as being bullish for stocks, but Wall Street is trying to claim a Blue Wave will be even more bullish under Biden. Even the economist at Bank of America said the best scenario for the stock markets was a Democratic Party clean sweep. This seems to be […]

Social Media Trying to Destroy our Freedom

I was preparing to add a chapter on what is becoming the Greatest Political Manipulation in world history to the Manipulating the World Economy, which would be about the US 2020 election and the COVID-19 world lockdown to further the Great Reset. Now even Amazon is reserving its right to ban any book that is […]

The Insanity of Central Banks

QUESTION: Marty, you mentioned several times now, that the ECB MUST convert to a digital Euro. I have done speeches about that based on a paper from the IMF (Christine Lagarde) last year, in which they too discuss how to do it. But I have a serious question regarding timing. I live in Germany and I would […]

Market Talk – October 12, 2020

  ASIA: Shenzhen is one of the four Chinese cities to begin internal testing of the digital yuan, announced a government notice in August without going into the specifics. The latest distribution to consumers is seen as the country’s first large-scale, public test of the centrally issued virtual currency. Nearly 2 million individuals in Shenzhen […]

The Global Usurpation of Power Underway

COMMENT FROM THE UK: Hi Marty I am sure you, like me, have expected without a doubt a move back into FALL lockdowns. It has been blatantly obvious here in the UK for months. The hype and overreaction is intentional and fear generation is being ramped through the roof. A school has one case of […]

Market Talk – September 4, 2020

ASIA: China may gradually cut its holdings of US Treasury bonds and notes, in light of rising tensions between Beijing and Washington, the Global Times reported. With China-US relations deteriorating over various issues including coronavirus, trade and technology, global financial markets are increasingly worried if China would sell the US government debt it holds as […]

Fundamentals & Confidence – Which is More Important in Markets?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, You have said that fundamentals really mean nothing because the market runs on confidence. What about the fundamentals during the 2008 crash? Didn’t the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers send the market down and then it was supported by TARP and the central banks? Thank you; GD ANSWER: The entire economy is built […]

Phillips Curve is Dead & the Fed Will Respond

The Phillips Curve states that inflation and unemployment have an inverse relationship. Higher inflation is associated with lower unemployment and vice versa. The Fed is actually recognizing that the Phillips Curve is dead. I have been warning that the Quantity Theory of Money is also dead because all the tremendous increases in the money supply […]

New Ad Depicts 2020 Election as a War

  Socrates not only had forecast that 2015.75 would be the peak in government and the start of the Big Bang, which was initiated by the move to negative interest rates in 2014. This would undermine the sovereign debt markets and set in motion the decline and fall of the modern monetary system, which was […]