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Market Talk – May 7, 2020

ASIA: China said that their exports rose 3.5% in April, crushing expectations of a group of economists who predicted a decline of 1-5.7% for the same period. According to data from the General Administration of Customs released on Thursday, exports rose 3.5% from a year ago while imports fell 14.2% in the same period. China’s […]

How to Stop Bill Gates – We Need Everyone to Write NOW!

  I have very good sources as most people know. Gates must be stopped by breaking up his monopoly on Health. How do we do that? You must get out your damn pen, get off your locked-downed but, and write to your Congress representative, Senator, and the White House. Why? Because they were bribed to […]

Market Talk – May 6, 2020

ASIA: China is aiming to complete work on its space station within about two years, officials said after the launch of a new spacecraft on Tuesday. China eventually plans to send four crewed space missions and cargo craft to complete work on its permanent space station. China challenged US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to […]

Food Shortages Set in Motion by Politicians

COMMENT:  Dear Martin, it is amazing what your computer is picking in advance. In Germany we now have the French fries crisis. (Reported now by N-TV) Do to the fact, that all restaurants are shut down, the Farmers cannot sell most of their potatoes. So we will see a lot of farmers get in financial […]

Market Talk – May 4, 2020

ASIA: A nationalist news agency controlled by the Chinese Communist Party has dismissed claims by the Trump administration that the novel coronavirus originated from a laboratory, as the war of words over the pandemic escalates between Washington and Beijing. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Sunday in an interview with ABC that there […]

Creating a Different New World Order

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: I apologize that I called you a fraud. Sometimes being a virgo is very hard. I became information overloaded and my tongue is very sharp. I am still reading your blog and I am amazed that you post the Corbett Report, which I follow religiously like yours.  I do not like that […]

Socialist Are Out in Force Misrepresenting Bounce as Billionaire Profiteers of the Pandemic

In a new really socialist report, they make the big claim labeling Billionaires as Pandemic Profiteers. The heading makes it sound as if these people have strategically profited from from this Pandemic, which is not the case at all. The report equates their profits to simply the bounce in the stock market. They make its […]

The Virus has become the Political Weapon of 2020

China actually reported to the World Health Organization on New Year’s Eve that it was facing a novel coronavirus. It was on January 3rd when U.S. health officials offered assistance to China. They renewed the offer two days later, according to the president’s team. Nancy Pelosi, while touring Chinatown in San Francisco on Feb. 24, […]

Market Talk – April 30, 2020

  ASIA: China’s official index of manufacturing purchasing managers slipped to 50.8 in April from 52.0 in March, the National Bureau of Statistics said. Pandemic triggered recessions around the world have made Chinese manufacturers pessimistic about export demand. Cui Tiankai, China’s ambassador to the United States, has said the two countries need to look beyond […]

Market Talk – April 29, 2020

ASIA: India’s sovereign rating could come under pressure if its fiscal outlook deteriorates further as the government tries to steer the country through the coronavirus crisis, rating agency Fitch said on Tuesday. Fitch currently rates India at BBB-, with a stable outlook, but any downgrade would consign its sovereign debt to junk bond territory. The […]