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The most VALUABLE lesson we can teach our children is HOW TO THINK – not what to think

COMMENT: Good day Sir; How in the world do you do it? It is one thing to develop Socrates and assist clients, but yet another to keep up with and tie in the global events to the waves. I know you don’t sleep much Martin but I have not been dressed in a week and still I […]

Is Democracy dying here?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; the hatred is off the charts as you say. I actually saw a young girl with a Trump hat at the gas station and two people were throwing things at her. You are right. This is how the Nazi movement began. They boycotted Jewish businesses. Then they seized control of the newspapers […]

Deep State Using Discredit Strategy to Drive Trump from Office to What End?

QUESTION: With Bob Woodward joining the plot to overthrow Trump, do you think he can survive? KA ANSWER: No. Woodward says he recorded all his interviews. I do not see him as just making this up with a personal opinion. That does not say what he has been told is true. It is unlikely that […]

New Study Islands are Growing not Sinking with Global Warming Conspiracy

This theory of Global Warming and the oceans will rise and places like New York City and Miami will sink beneath the waves is just so childish it is beyond contemplation that anyone coming up with such a theory would ever understand a complex system. They must have cut class during Physics probably because it was […]

Don’t Cry for Me Argentina – It’s a Global Debt Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Our government here in Argentina has told us we should expect more poverty and there is no hope for the future. Socrates has been amazing on its forecasts on our currency. There are enough of us down here who would sincerely ask would you consider advising Argentina to straighten out our economy […]

The German Pension Crisis to Become a Political Issue as in Italy

The Pension Crisis is starting to be noticed in Europe. The German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz is arguing that the federal government has to guarantee the pension level until 2040. He is arguing that the government MUST come up with a plausible financing model which seems actually impossible. The increase in taxes to cover pension that […]

What Politics Regards us as the Great Unwashed & We the Subjects not People

Many questions have come in about connecting the dots. I want to explain a critical point. Both Democrats & Republicans have one thing in common. They do not consider us “We the People” but rather “We the Subjects” which is a significant difference for we are also the Great Unwashed. Both John McCain & John […]

John McCain Also Sought to use IRS to engage in “financially ruinous” Audits of Opponents

Some people have asked if it was the Obama Administration that used the IRS against its enemies. I am not Republican or Democrat and have stated countless times that I see no difference between them behind the curtain when it comes to maintaining power. Judicial Watch reported on documents it received showing that Republicans, as well as […]

Banks Freezing Cyrpotcurrency Accounts under Presumption of Guilt?

  The story running around on news tells the tale of an individual who legally sold large amounts of cryptocurrency at a profit found that Clydesdale Bank decided to freeze all assets involving people who had been involved in cryptocurrencies. The man had no criminal convictions and had always complied with British laws on […]

Girl Sold into Slavery by ISIS Meets Her ISIS Captor on Street in Germany as Refugee

Europe has just lost its mind over the Refugee Crisis because it reveals how the politicians have lied to the people. A Yazidi girl who was sold into slavery by the Islamic State managed to escape and fled to Germany. She was only 15 when her entire family was captured by Isis in northern Iraq […]