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Should we Cheer for Putin to Lose?

While the Neocon strategy of DEMONIZING an adversary as they have done to Putin, the very same strategy was used to get people to absolutely hate Donald Trump. The more someone hates Trump still, the more susceptible they are to simple techniques of mind manipulation. This has led many to cheer for the Ukrainians to […]

It’s Not Just Energy – It’s Also Metals

The outrageous sanctions imposed by Biden on Russia has undermined the entire world economy. Sanctions have never worked and this time they were designed to try to hurt the Russian people so profoundly that they would overthrow Putin – regime change. The Ukrainians are even naming Alexander Bortnikov, the Russian Director of the Federal Security […]

Putin puts Biden’s King in Check

The absolute stupidity of those in the Biden Administration will go down in history as probably the dumbest ever in the history of the world, not just the United States. Besides disrupting energy supplies, and subjecting the world to a shortage of wheat when Russia and Ukraine represent 30% of the world exports, Biden’s sheer […]

The Laptop from Hell

  Ihor Kolomoisky is the Oligarch who funded Zelensky and put him in a position to be president. However, this is the very same Kolomoisky who had a “controlling interest” in Burisma Holdings, that employed Hunter Biden as a board member for a widely reported salary of $50,000 per month. Russian media, quoted in State Department […]

Zelensky Keeps Trying to Create WWIII

QUESTION #1: When I read today that while addressing the Italian Parliament, Zelensky reported that the Russians were “capturing and torturing children” my propaganda antenna went up and the BS detector went off. If true, that is atrocious and a war crime. Putin is crazy but that seems hard to fathom. It would seem like […]

The Plot Behind the Curtain

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have a serious question for you. Do you think that Putin was lured into this mess by people trying to change the world? I will leave it at that. GB ANSWER: Yes. I cannot believe that Harris’ off-the-cuff statement at the Munich Security Meeting that Ukraine should join NATO was simply […]

Moscow Warns Biden Has Crossed the Line Where No Former President Has Ever Gone

There is little question that what the US is doing is not defending Ukraine, they are deliberately attempting to force the Russian people to overthrow Putin. Now Russia’s foreign ministry summoned U.S. Ambassador John Sullivan to inform him that President Joe Biden’s remarks with respect to the Russian President Vladimir Putin have gone too far. […]

Neocon Plot to Overthrow Putin & Xi

This war has really nothing to do with Ukraine for this country has been used as cannon fodder to overthrow Putin – the second target in this New World Order. The first was the removal of Trump and the last will be the removal of Xi Jinping. This is a major effort to cause regime […]

The Largest Humanitarian Crisis That No One Discusses

Yemen has been at war for the past seven years. A once great land of ancient trade, Yemen has become one of the poorest nations in the Arab world. Their GDP for 2021 was expected to reach only 26.9 billion USD. The World Bank estimated that over half of Yemen’s population lived in poverty prior […]

Market Talk – March 18, 2022

ASIA: The global economic fallout of the war in Ukraine is expected to negatively impact India’s economy, while the immediate impact of the conflict on China is likely to be relatively small, the IMF said on Thursday. The IMF said it will lead to higher inflation and current account deficit. The major Asian stock markets had […]