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The Superbug Has Arrived

For years, there have been warnings that the overuse of antibiotics was a danger. Now that danger has arrived. A new superbug has evolved, as life itself is always a cycle. This new superbug is impervious to ALL known antibiotics, an evolutionary step that was never contemplated. This superbug has the ability to infect other […]

Do We NEED Computers to See Beyond Our Own Hardwiring?

  One of the battles in trying to produce real analysis is our hardwiring. We naturally have an attraction toward repeating sequential and palindromic numbers or events that extend beyond what we consciously realize. This is our inherent hardwiring that comes down to our basic species survival instinct. Animals hear just a sound and scurry. […]

Market Talk – December 10th, 2015

Japan opened weak following the poor close in the Dow yesterday especially having seen triple digit gains at one stage. Given that Hang Seng and Shanghai were both under pressure all day it was not a surprise all markets closed negative. All European indices opened lower and it was only the DAX (aided by the […]

Euro Rally

QUESTION: Marty, I believe you said if the Euro closes below 10365 for the year then everything would fall apart. If it closed above 105, then the decline can be more prolonged. What is the bullish level to reverse the downtrend? BK PS Great conference ANSWER: Yes, your two numbers are correct. The upside has […]

The Hunt for Loose Change

I returned from Berlin dressed casually in jeans for the overnight flight. I was so busy with meetings I hadn’t the time to even buy a t-shirt. When I collected my luggage, I was pulled by customs. They didn’t care that I had absolutely ZERO to declare. Their first question: “How much cash do you have […]

Market Talk – December 8, 2015

China’s trade surplus did not live up to expectations, and as a result, we saw weaker prices across all major Asian indices. Shanghai and HSI were both down around 1.5% whilst the Nikkei lost only 1%. The Nikkei did attempt to lead the pack when Q3 GDP saw a small recovery, but when the mood within […]

Money vs. Fiat

QUESTION: Why do you do not see that money must be backed by something tangible? ANSWER: That is an antiquated barter perspective; you are blind to reality. Your proposition is that only gold has value and you yourself are worthless. This idea of fiat money is just out of line with reality. The traditional definition […]

Market Talk – December 7, 2015

Asia saw a mixed session with prices marginally lower, but not too much to write home about. It was not until Europe opened that we started to see a pick-up in volatility that provided dealers with something to talk about. The oil and energies market provided the discussion point with TWI, Brent, and Nat-Gas all […]

Censorship and Self-Censorship of the Press

Many articles are highlighting the censorship of the press in the International New York Times. An article criticizing Thailand’s generals for shooting the economy in the foot was seen in all print editions expect Thailand, where they displayed a blank space to let everyone know something had been removed ­– censorship. What was NOT reported in the West […]

NATO Ships Arrive in Turkey

We have been receiving reports from people on the ground in Turkey that NATO ships are now docked there and appear to be enforcing perhaps a blockade or a show of support for Turkey. On the other hand, there are reports that Russian ships are being held there in port while other reports are denying that […]