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Real Estate Has Peaked

The U.S. real estate market has turned for the top end has peaked. Luxury homes for the top 5% are now off by 2%. In my personal search, I have been looking at homes in Florida for the past year. Some of the high-end homes they showed me on the beach were still on the […]

Euro & the Hamiltonian Model

“The Euro & the Hamiltonian Model” is a special report looking at the failed structural design of the euro that caused it to collapse. This report compares the structure of the euro and its fatal flaw in contrast to the Hamiltonian model that succeeded in creating a single nation and a single currency.


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Once your order is placed, the report(s) will be available for download via the confirmation page. In addition, you will have an order confirmation email delivered that will include a link to download the report. Please keep in mind, this is a limited use link to download the report, and the charge on your credit card may reference AE Global Solutions, Inc. (owner of Armstrong Economics).

For clarification, our reports are digital download – there will be NO hardcopy reports mailed. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, there are no refunds offered. Please consider this before you purchase.

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The 2014 Cycles of War Report

This is a special report that so many have been asking for as we head into this turning point in 2014. The Cycles of War is a major research effort we have undertaken over the years to gauge the rise and fall of empires, nations, and city-states. The War Cycle has its origins in two primary categories. First there is the traditional concept of international conflict with one nation invading another. This has been going on for centuries. However, there is a second source that is as vital as the first and is often even more devastating economically. This is the internal conflict of civil unrest that often leads to revolution. Naturally, revolution can be very serious for it was the source in modern times of the American and French Revolutions, the Russian Revolution, and the rise of Mao in China. It is certainly arguable that civil unrest presents a greater systemic risk than international conflict.

It is vital to understand this cycle and what it means for herein lies the fate of gold and the Dow Jones Industrial Index not to mention the Euro and European markets. This report covers the world including the cycles of war with respect to China and Russia in addition to the U.S., Japan, and Europe.


Product Delivery:
Once your order is placed, the report(s) will be available for download via the confirmation page. In addition, you will have an order confirmation email delivered that will include a link to download the report. Please keep in mind, this is a limited use link to download the report, and the charge on your credit card may reference AE Global Solutions, Inc. (owner of Armstrong Economics).

For clarification, our reports are digital download – there will be NO hardcopy reports mailed. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, there are no refunds offered. Please consider this before you purchase.

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The International Precious Metals Outlook 2014-2016

As mentioned, everyone who purchases the 2014 Precious Metals Report will receive a complimentary update. This update is separate from the new 2015 Precious Metals Report, which will include information on the impending gold rally and the overall future outlook for precious metals.


Product Delivery:
Once your order is placed, the report(s) will be available for download via the confirmation page. In addition, you will have an order confirmation email delivered that will include a link to download the report. Please keep in mind, this is a limited use link to download the report, and the charge on your credit card may reference AE Global Solutions, Inc. (owner of Armstrong Economics).

For clarification, our reports are digital download – there will be NO hardcopy reports mailed. Also, given the digital nature of these reports, there are no refunds offered. Please consider this before you purchase.

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Trump – the Next President?

Donald Trump has surged to 36% in the polls, which is driving the political pundits crazy. After more than 30 years of dealing directly with politicians around the world, I must say one thing: politicians will NEVER admit a mistake. No matter what, they will always follow a single course simply because they declared that direction from […]

Spanish Elections – December 20

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, a member of the Popular Party (PP), announced shortly before the general election (expected to be on December 20) that a record fall in unemployment took place. Looking closely at the statistics reveals that the missing unemployed have emigrated someplace else. Clearly, there are fewer Spaniards contributing to social insurance than before. Only the number of seasonal […]

Market Talk – December 4th, 2015

Asia caught the end of the US session this morning as all three core markets responded with falling prices. The Nikkei performed worse of all losing 2.4%, while the Shanghai and Hang Seng returned -1.3% and -0.9% respectively. European markets attempted to bounce after yesterdays declines but a non-farms payrolls number spurred the US but at […]

Market Talk – December 3rd, 2015

Continued speculation that additional official support would be available next week in China supported the Shanghai Stock Index yet again. The strong close (of over +1.3% higher) in Asia has been short-lived as the events in Europe have reversed most, if not all, of today’s move (as seen this evening in futures trading). Initially, all […]

Understanding Energy Models

QUESTION: Your energy model turned negative on the daily level just before the rally in the euro. That meant the market was then oversold if I understood your explanations. Thanks for a great conference PK ANSWER: Yes, the fact that we came down to a cluster of reversals not to mention the year pivot at […]

Why the Euro Is A Dead Currency

  I have been warning that government can do whatever it likes and declare anything to be be a criminal act. In the USA, not paying taxes is NOT a crime, failing to file your income tax is the crime. The EU has imposed the first outright total asset reporting requirement for cash, jewelry, and anything […]