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Best Form of Government – Will Anything Ever Work?

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, I understand you negative opinion on Socialism & Communism, but I’m confused by you opinion on a Republic. On paper a Republic looks like an ideal form of freedom, where-as a democracy dictates majority rules and 50.01% can do a lot of damage to the remaining citizens. I understand that through history […]

Hungary Protest over 100,000 Objecting to Tax on Internet

About 100,000 Hungarians rallied on Tuesday night to protest at a planned tax on data traffic and the broader course of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government they saw as undermining democracy and relations with European Union peers.

Italy to Expose EU Palaces

  Mario Renzi of Italy has taken criticism from the EU over his budget for 2015. In the flake that is erupting, the tensions with Brussels are rising throughout Europe. Renzi has said he will now publish a list of EU PALACES where they squander money on themselves.

The New Real Estate Bubble – Or Something Else Is Going On?

With the Economic Confidence Model peak in 2007.15 (February 26th, 2007), that turning point marked the very day of the high in the Case-Shiller Real Estate Index. However, it also market the precise day of the infamous sale at the top of Goldman Sachs’ notorious ABACUS 2007-AC1 $2 billion Synthetic CDO. Indeed, Goldman Sachs was later […]

Party Time – ECB Bank Stress Test Today – 20-40% of all Banks Expected to Fail

Well it has arrived. The ECB stress test of European banks today on Sunday is expected to see  at least 20 percent to nearly 40 percent of all European banks fail. They just cannot understand raising taxes reduces disposable income and thus the economy, borrowing, and investment – dah! European banks are not doing well even […]

Almost 50% Increase in Americans Renouncing Citizenship Because FATCA

There was nearly a 50% jump in the number of Americans rushing to renounce their citizenship. It is more than just not paying taxes, the FATCA rules are so outrageous, Americans have been thrown out of everywhere from Asia to Europe. Plain and simple, FATCA is destroying the American capability to deal internationally. People who […]

The Muslim Radical Fear Hitting Western Governments after Canada

The attack inside the Canadian Parliament by a radicalized Muslim born in Montreal has sent shivers down the spin of Western governments in Europe and America based on inside sources. According to Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the gunman had recently applied for a passport, planning to travel to Syria to join ISIS. He was Michael […]

The Dow October 22, 2014 & Bond Bubble

  The resistance in the Dow Jones Industrial Index for today stands in the mid 16700 zone on a technical basis. Targets in time for this week were Wed and Friday with the latter being the main target. ONLY a closing back above 17010 would signal that the low is in place for a broader term. […]

Arthur Burn’s Advice During Recession ’75 – Cut Deficit & Taxes

Arthur Burn’s testified before Congress on the economic crisis – the first to unfold in the new Floating Exchange Rate system that began in 1971. Keynesian Economics as practiced by government was dead anf taxes had risen to outrageous;y the 90% level until the first tax cut by Kennedy. Burns delivered his recommendation during the […]

Replacing the Dollar

  The conspiracy crowd keep swearing the dollar has to collapse and remain clueless that the world is in serious trouble. The impact of debt is far worse outside the USA than inside yet their myopic vision blinds them to the truth. Taxes are so high in Europe and this renders it is impossible to […]