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911 Admixture & the Fourth Branch of Government

QUESTION: Martin, I respect you and your work immensely and I believe I have gone overboard on both my precious metals investment and conspiracies.  However, the main thing that made me this way is that I did take an extensive look at what happened on 911 and found it wanting.  This made me change my […]

The Real Conspiracy

All these conspiracy theories do is discredit, confuse, and misdirect the people from paying attention to government. I wrote when the Arab Spring began and they saw how the youth organized using Twitter and Facebook that the various dictators did not control, what happened? The US suddenly needed the INTERNET KILL SWITCH in case we […]

A Very Valid Point Behind Conspiracies

  The wilder the Conspiracy Theories, the more people pay no attention to Government and hand them more power in the process. Even then, people attribute such vast long-term knowledge and schemes to these people it is unbelievable. I have worked with people on Capitol Hill, in Europe and Asia. The reason they called me […]

What About Britain?

QUESTION: Do you see IMF appropriations for non-Eurozone countries like Britain? Or was it solely the Eurozone mentioned in the plans. Surely they would rather devalue their currency than something like this in Britain? Not sure the Brits would put up with this. Do you remember the Poll Tax riots suffered by Thatcher? Best regards, […]

Has Obama – Feinstein – McCain Violated the Civil Rights of Snowden?

It is a violation of civil rights to falsely arrest anyone and to and to engage in a CONSPIRACY for Malicious Prosecution of that individual. Such criminal prosecutions are common by the Feds targeting local police. But these types of violations are in themselves SELECTIVE prosecutions for they tend to focus only of the discrimination based […]

What About Croatia?

QUESTION: Hi, Mr Armstrong, when You said “they will confiscate 10% of everyone’s accounts in Europe” did You mean also Croatia? Regards ANSWER: Sorry to say – you will be included. This was one of the factors that also persuaded Ukraine to turn away from Europe. The problem is this mixture of German austerity (deflation) and […]

The Coming 2014 Expropriation of 10% of Everyone’s Accounts

Anyone who thinks it is a fantasy that government will simply just confiscate 10% of everyone’s accounts in Europe better have another look at the fool they see in the mirror staring back at them. This IMF solution is traditionally French and is really coming because the people in charge are effectively Marxists and this […]

Iceland – The First to Fall – The First to Rise

QUESTION: Greetings from Iceland! Thank you for all the material you post on your blog! I wish I had come across your writings 40 years ago instead of just recently. Does your model include data and predictions for Iceland? Did it predict the collapse in 2008? What is the outlook for the next few years […]

Pravada Predicts Russia will Restore Soviet Union by 2025

Russian Pravda is reporting that the Soviet Union will be resurrected by 2025. The truth about this, unfortunately, Europe is collapsing because of the socialism and the destruction of any future for the youth. Pravda this time is actually not spitting out wild propaganda. Russia will rise and become a very formidable power even on […]

Year End Closing Numbers

  Year-End 2013 Number   The Year 2013 has been a great year for equities and a rough year for commodities. Gold has put in its worst performance since 1981 while the Nikkei has put in its best performance since 1972. As we look ahead, 2014 will begin the rise in Civil Unrest that will […]