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Brussels Shuts Down Catalonia Referendum

Artur Mas Prime Minister of Catalonia, cancelled the planned independence referendum in the northeastern Spain region. At a meeting with the Catalan party leaders, the Prime Minister announced on Monday in Barcelona officially, that the legal basis for such a vote on November 9th does not exist bowing to pressure from Brussels. The Spanish Constitutional Court had the […]

Hollande Proposes Creating a “Investment” Fund he can use to Balance the Budget – Not borrowing so no debt or pay-back required

France’s Francois Hollande has come up with a brilliant idea. He want to satisfy EU rules not by reforming France, but by creating of a new EU investment fund of €300 billion euros. This fund should produce an annual flow of €10 billion euros for Paris. With the creation of such EU funds, France can avoid the necessary restructuring […]

Obama-Sanctions & Ukraianian Ceasefire

The economic sanction against Russia are causing serious economic damage in Europe. Farmers are going bankrupt and Finland has lost its triple-A rating thanks to Obama-Sanctions. The sanctions were wrong from the start and they should be removed immediately. The attempt at a permanent ceasefire has come about not because of Obama-Sanctions, but despite the […]

The Dollar – The Greatest Short Position Perhaps in History

It is amazing how people keep touting the demise of the dollar yet cannot comprehend that it remains the only game in town. We may yet see a tremendous capital flight to the dollar for a host of reasons from war and political risk to the landscape of interest rate trends. An Asia capital fight […]

Is Revolution Coming Driven by the Youth?

A lot of questions have come in regarding the youth. Many are deeply concerned parents and others are youth who write thanking for the understanding of the truth. I have focused upon the youth because this is part of the generational cycle and the divide between the generations is reaching maximum entropy. This is the […]

Gorbachev One of the last few world leaders Blasts Obama as the Great Plague

I have known world leaders as everyone knows. There was a time when before Bush, Jr., you could have an intelligent conversation with such people. Ever since, the quality of leadership has crashed and burned. One of the few true leaders who had courage and the brains behind it was Mikhail Gorbachev. Now Mikhail Gorbachev has been […]

Obama – a Real Lame Duck who tries to Rule the World like his Children – I will cut off your allowance and go to your room!

Russia is rising and Obama is the direct cause of handing power to Russia in the EXACT same manner as we saw the fall of Athens. Piss-off all your allies and they then turn against you and joining your enemy. Your enemy is my friend – as the saying goes. Putin is way smarter than […]

Academia – The Great Fraud?

If we look at the world leaders, nobody has a degree in leading a nation. Most are lawyers. Even if we look at Christine LaGarde, she too is a lawyer running around threatening nations to give up foreigners or they will be banished from the world club while she sits in the Troika dictating the […]

Wave Compression with Technology

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I was wondering if your forecast models “compress” as we move into the future? Information spreads more quickly and everything moves faster and faster as we move through time due to advances in technology. Could this lead to contagion spreading from the collapse of Europe more quickly than your current models would […]

Ebola – The Next Plague/Pandemic?

On Wednesday another American, NBC News reporter in Liberia Ashoka Mukpo was diagnosed with the deadly virus, the channel reported. He is being evacuated to the US for treatment. However, the appearance of Ebola in Europe has not been widely reported. On Friday, Germany confirmed its second case of Ebola, as a man flown from West […]