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Pension Funds Being Taken TO Fund Infrastructure

The G20 Central Bankers and Finance Ministers met in Cairns, Australia, Sept 21st, 2014. This Summit reflects the attitudes about manipulating the economy where they just do not get it. Christine Largarde, head of the IMF, announced  “I congratulate the G20 for significant progress in strategies for medium-term growth.” However, Lagarde is a lawyer – not a […]

Why the 2014 Precious Metals Outlook Report is Important

COMMENT: Marty, I just ordered the Gold report. Wanted you to know I am not a gold bug….just interested in a market that is BOTTOMING…with good upside as opposed to the current US markets. Like many, just not interested in these valuations as the “perceived” risk is greater than a market that potentially has significant upside […]

Roosevelt & World War II

  Four Freedoms Speech (YouTube) Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to move the United States to war with his famous Four Freedom’s speech to Congress in the State of the Union on January 6th, 1941. FDR insisted that people in all nations of the world shared Americans’ entitlement to four freedoms: the freedom of speech and freedom of expression, the freedom […]

Brussels Celebrates their Defeat of Scottish YES Vote – Britain Falling in Religious Civil War?

The Scottish Vote really cannot be believed and it appears more-likely-than-not to have been rigged with at least EU influence. In Brussels, they are celebrating no doubt with drinks on the EU Commission after the great Scottish “NO” vote. The EU had “not even a plan A”, how to deal with an independent Scotland, Parliament President Martin […]

2014 International Precious Metals Outlook

  As mentioned, everyone who purchases the 2014 Precious Metals Report will receive a complimentary update. This update is separate from the new 2015 Precious Metals Report, which will include information on the impending gold rally and the overall future outlook for precious metals. The 2014 International Metals Outlook $400.00 Over 400 Pages for Reference […]

Our Progress Report

  To keep you all up to date, I have hired a CEO who was the head trader for many of the biggest banks over the years in Europe and the Middle East. He terminated his employment yesterday and will be joining in 2 months. I will be free to research and program. We are […]

Scotland Sells out to the Dole

In America, the support for Scottish Independence was overwhelming running 80%+ Scottish Flags were appearing everywhere – even in Philadelphia they hung one-off the bridge. But in Scotland where people rely upon handouts from Britain (dole), self-interest prevailed. With all 32 council areas in Scotland now declared, the No (unionist) secured 55% of the vote with […]

Ukraine Still Mad At Politicians

We still have people who try to claim the entire Ukrainian revolution was a CIA plot. They still disrespect the people of Ukraine and diminish their outrage at corrupt government. Just because the West has stuck their favorite sons in government, this does not sit well with the people. They are quiet mostly for now […]

What Will Be Worse This Time Around?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I’ve attended several of your conferences, and thank you very much for all you do. You’ve said that the next decline is going to be far worse than the last one.  Intensity and volatility is building.  By that statement, do you mean both the US economy and the US stock markets may […]

Scottish Vote

The Scottish vote will be very important from the perspective that this will shake up the entire concept behind Brussels if they vote YES. Throughout Europe, the same civil unrest is rising as discontent every where.. Even if the vote is “NO” and the people accept that they are incapable of self-rule as second-rate citizens, […]