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Testimony & Debates

Transcripts of Testimony before Congress, Debates & OpEds     Armstrong Requested for Research by Congress 1985 Letter to Ronald Reagan Armstrong Requested for Research from the Brady Commission 1987 Armstrong Warns Rubin Against Taking Dollar Down May 1997 Just Before Asian Currency Crisis Armstrong Testifies Before House Ways & Means Committee Armstrong Debates Steve […]

Interviews & Press

Martin Armstrong’s Media Appearances If you are interested in arranging an interview with Martin Armstrong, please fill out our “Contact” form located on the homepage and select “I have a question about media engagement and/or an interview request.” 2024   Surveillance State to Spark Civil Wars and the Fall of Nations – Interview with Commodity […]

Market Talk — November 9, 2015

On Sunday, we saw the release of some weak Chinese data (exports fell 6.9% whilst imports 18.8%) resulting in a high trade surplus of $61.64bn. The Shanghai Index closed Monday with a strong gains (+57pts +1.6%). The Nikkei also performed well in Tokyo (+377pts +1.96%) although given the slight reversal in the currency, the futures market in the […]

Manipulations & Exaggerations

QUESTION: Why do you say the banks do short-term manipulations but not constant manipulations? ANSWER: Because it is absurd. There is no profit in perpetual manipulation. Every single manipulation they have ever done in the metals has been to the upside because they know it is easier to get people to buy. This is all […]

30th Anniversary of the World Economic Conference Begins Today

Welcome to this year’s World Economic Conference marks our 30th anniversary since the first in 1985. Ironically, it is being held across the street from where our first conference was held. This year will be special as over 600 people are attending this conference in the USA, and a similar number will be joining us in Berlin. […]

Merkel May be Forced From Office Over Refugees

Merkel’s refugee policy has really divided Europe, no less her own country. This issue appears staged to bring about her downfall. It was 17 days ahead of the ECM turning point on September 13 (2 x 8.6) when Merkel reimposed border controls; the cornerstone of Europe was to be the freedom of movement. She has […]

Schengen Agreement Suspended

Last February, we warned that the Schengen Agreement, which allows the freedom of movement within Europe, would come to an end. This crazy idea of allowing millions of refugees from a completely different culture to enter Europe will be its undoing. The suspension of Schengen by Germany is the beginning of the end.

Market Talk – Nov. 6th, 2015

Asian equity markets were strong ahead of the US data with the Nikkei closing a promising week up 150pts (+0.8%) and Shanghai up 66pts (+1.9%). Worth noting this evening is that the Nikkei futures have built upon today’s cash gains and are currently up an additional 190pts at 19,480 (+1%). Europe failed to participate following the […]

Mainstream vs. Austrian Economics

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I believe the difference between the Austrian school of economics and mainstream economics is that mainstream economists believe recessions are inherent to capitalism and can be controlled by manipulation where the Austrian school argues the causation is fiat money with or without central banking. You seem to ascribe to something in between. Can […]

Market Talk – Nov 5, 2015

Asia saw good performances from both the Nikkei and Shanghai but it did not extend to the Hang Seng. The BOJ helped sentiment (with some friendly minutes) which finally saw a closing for the Nikkei through the 19k level (+1%). European equities did initially have strength as Retail Sales at 2.9% was better than last […]