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Dow Has Not Broken Out Yet

Just as I have warned that gold did not breakout above the 1980 in real terms and thus it could not continue to advance, the Dow has not broken out just yet either, This is purely a nominal currency move and not yet in real terms.

Why Is the Dow Vulnerable To A Correction?

I previously warned that there was a possibility that November would produce the breakout in nominal terms, but there was still a risk that we may decline into Jan/Feb to retest support first. This type of pattern would warn of a Cycle Inversion and this is what I am concerned about. The main Global Correlation […]

Money & The Two-Tier Digital Monetary System

The Gold Promoters have so poisoned the well with nonsense that has been tried countless times before and failed, that their insistence upon tangible money is seriously disrupting the ultimate resolution of our critical economic illness. I have explained that even making money gold coins will not prevent it from being a fiat currency. Coinage […]

Dow 32,000 or 20,000?

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, I hope you and your family are well. Before I ask my question you are a hero of mine and a champion of the little guy and for that I commend you. It would have been easy to come out of jail and not help the general public and advise very […]

Gold – Hedge Against Making Money?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I really appreciate your comment “– YOU ALWAYS ASSUME YOU ARE WRONG. Why? That forces you to constantly double-check everything four times.” Thank you for causing me to question my assumptions regarding the markets and specifically PM’s.  I can see know that I was holding gold for all the wrong reasons while […]

Paper v Physical

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Almost daily one reads from the gold media about the discrepancy between paper and physical gold. The gold bugs make their case by saying, that despite the weak price of paper gold, the demand for physical gold has never been better. To me it is just a bunch of hooey. If […]

Manipulating Markets

I get a lot of questions regarding to what extent can the Club manipulate markets? Ironically, the more open a market including futures, the less ability their ability to manipulate even for brief periods. Preventing or limiting markets from trading devolves a market into a corner where it can be controlled. There will always be […]

Gold – Beating a Dead Horse

QUESTION:  Hello Mr. Armstrong, I understand your thoughts on manipulating against a trend, but with gold being halted for the 4th time in 3 months by large sales orders placed during illiquid hours, does there come a time when you can say, “OK, something fishy is going on here.”? Banks have been caught manipulating energy, aluminum and […]

Unfunded Pensions Are Our Doom

The standard pension systems of governments from Europe to the States are all the same. They have assumed that taxes would be an endless pit. They have promised pensions to people and never funded them. Anyone in the private sector would go to jail for creating such schemes. Historically, the people rise up when they […]

Swiss Democracy – Very Interesting

In Switzerland, many issues go directly to the people to vote on. Unfortunately, not everything. The Swiss bureaucrats themselves destroyed the Swiss banking system by agreeing to draw the line at 2008 for any liability a bank might have to the US government for an account an American might have had. The value of Swiss […]