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Police Shoot First – Ask Questions Later?

The reason police should NOT be armed is very clear. They ALWAYS shoot to kill and their victims end up dead with multiple shots. They never shoot just to disarm a person and far too often they kill people who are unarmed. The traffic stop where police start shooting at a woman and a minivan […]

Yahoo Fighting Back – Moving Out of London to Preserve Security

Theresa Mary May PC MP (born October 1st, 1956) is a British Conservative politician, and the current UK Home Secretary. She was first elected to Parliament in 1997 as Member of Parliament for Maidenhead. She went on to be appointed Chairman of the Conservative Party and was sworn of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council in […]

EU To Pay Members with Tax Money for Losses in Revenue with Russia

Resistance to the Russian sanctions in the EU has been growing in some regions of the EU. Hungary now has spoken out against the hard-line of sanctions and Brussels now seeks to dampen the rising anger with bribes – paying for the revenue losses with taxpayers’ money from the rest of Europe. The EU is […]

Retired British Citizens maybe Forced to Return to UK for TAXES

The Sovereign Debt Crisis is moving at full speed worldwide. British Expats who have been renting out their homes in Britain are the latest target to changing taxes. George Osborne wants to stripped of the right to use the personal allowance under a taxation. Britons who are not taxed like Americans on worldwide income could be […]

Attitude is Everything

Part of the war cycle is just the general feeling or attitude that shifts due to economics. We seem to be headed for such a fateful turn. The police domestically have turned militaristic. This is a very serious issue far beyond what most people would even guess. It tends to show the changing attitudes within […]

They’re Back – Credit Default Swaps for the Next Generation

Just when you thought the bankers learned their lesson, sorry, They’re Back! Here we go again with bankers creating the next generation of credit-default-swaps. Bankers should just be bankers. Creating products destined to blow up when they are the market-makers is just nuts. Now JPMorgan Chase & Co. is offering a swap contract tied to […]

The Long-Term is not Spontaneous

  Many people are always skeptical about forecasting for they first tend to confuse what we do with others who just express opinions. Secondly, they assume because you cannot predict the closing price of the Dow Jones tomorrow, then how can you possibly forecast years and decades in advance? This paradox incorporates trends, connectivity with […]

2016 Hillary Clinton as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

  Obama’s approval rating is an abysmal 36-59 percent while giving Hillary Clinton has a much more robust 52-43 percent. This is showing how even markets move and why divorce is so bad. No matter if it is love, politics, or investment, as human beings we act always in anticipation. This is why fundamental analysis […]

US & EU Sanctions Against Russia Threaten the Entire World Economy

The brain-dead idea of sanctions against Russia are really threatening the entire global economy. Then combine the USA hunt for anyone with money overseas via FATCA, the EU’s covert federalization of Europe and the suppression of democratic processes, well these politicians just cannot see what they are doing is ripping apart the very fabric that […]

Panic of 1960 in Gold Sparked by Presidential Debates

During the Third Debate, the question about the outflow of gold from the USA reserves took place and set off a panic in the London gold market whereby gold rallied to $40 for the first time showing that the Bretton Woods System was indeed collapsing. The United States’ outflow of gold was not really from […]